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Bedspread Bonanza


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I haven't gotten around to working on my sampler quilt for a bedspread yet. I haven't even picked the colors or patterns lol but it's still on my list of things to do. I have gotten a bunch of squares for my TAW I just haven't joined any of them to the quilt yet.

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Tabby, I'm still knocking out a 12 inch square now and then...I put my "progress" down under my siggy...


I love the squares, so I know I'll eventually finish this one! No UFO here!:yay

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Congrats Judi! :cheer:clap


I love the pattern I chose too & hope to finish it. The motifs are huge though & it takes either a whole day if I don't breathe or two days with a normal life to make one. :eek I do really need to pull it out again but it's so hard when there's no cheering squad left. They all deserted us. :(:lol

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Tabby, are you still doing the Heavenly Dream? I've forgotten what it looks like.


I like the 12 inch squares for my king size bed - with the different colors I'm using it won't look too busy (I hope:P )

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Yes, I'm still doing the "heavenly dream". Has it been that long??? :lol :lol

Not really:D ...I just looked it up - you ARE ambitious! No wonder it takes you so long!!:eek

Mine are easier - though I DO love the swirl design of your pattern.


...NO...I'm NOT making that one, too!

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Hi, everyone. It's been a crazy week here with long, long days and no access to the computer until late at night. My BS hasn't been worked on in a couple of weeks. Too many other WIPs with closer deadlines. Once the crib afghan is finished, I'll get back to putting in at least a little time each week on it. Why is it that the things I'm doing for me always get pushed to the end of the list of things to do? Have a good weekend and a good week.;)

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You sound like me, the projects I start for MYSELF, I never finish. If it's for someone else, I work harder to get it done, but if it's for me... it gets tossed in the corner .


Tabby- you wouldn't wanna see me in a cheerleader outfit .:lol:cheer:lol

A little too old-- and duct tape can only do so much...................

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I know I haven't been around lately, but we have had one visitor after another and I have been so tired with this pregnancy. I have been so bad about crocheting anything. Hopefully I will get some stuff done this week and work on my BS. Sorry I haven't been around. I am sure everyone is doing such an amazing job.

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Jewel, the baby is sapping your energy...and telling you to rest when you can! :hug You'll get a second wind and pick up the hook again!:hook

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Thanks everyone. I am trying to be more motivated, but chasing after an almost two year old takes up most of my energy right now, plus he has been more needy lately like he senses that I am pregnant.

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Oooh, I may actually start making myself a bedspread! I bought myself 280 Crochet shell patterns (http://tinyurl.com/2v27k6) and I got it in the mail yesterday! I spent about an hour looking through it. What I love about the book is that it has a variety of tighter and lacier pattern stitches. I've wanted my bedspread to be very open and lacy, and I've actually found a few patterns that I'm deciding on.


Now, I'll need to buy some yarn for the project. Something very lightweight. I was thinking TLC Cotton Plus, but it's a worsted weight, so I may go with something even finer. Haven't decided yet.


But soon I'm going to start on this, and it would be nice to have a bedspread by the summer.

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Hey, where is everybody??:eek


I'll be working on my wheel lattice squares for my BS while I wait for my FIL to get finished with a doctor's appointment on Monday.

And to think I used to hate waiting rooms:lol :yay:hook !!

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I'm still here! I actually finished mine about 2 weeks ago, just haven't had time to post pics.


Here it is on my bed, that's a queen size bed so I think it'll fit a single size much better.



For the border I did a round of hdc and a round of reverse sc



I was standing on the bed holding the camara against the ceiling trying to get as much of it in the picture as I could.



I don't think I would have ever gotten this done without this Cal!! Now to start on the next one!

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Jessi, that's beautiful!! My wheel lattice will look interesting with the different colors:P

I broke down and bought some Claret to add to my colors for the BS - I SOOOO love the shades of red!!


And the rev sc is my favorite! Whenever I want an interesting border with no frills I use that.

Great job!

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Tabby, I think I'm going to have to begin to focus on my CAL's one at a time - or "someday" may naver come for me!!:eek


Meanwhile I have a new project: red/white/blue baby ghan (maybe pink hears scattered on the white squares) and maybe a pink baby bonnet with satin ribbon - for a family whose dad will be missing the birth of his 1st child because he's going to Iraq the month before she's to be born!


Any thoughts on that? I'll probaby use the bobbin method if I do the hearts... Baby bonnets - traditional is my style - and with ribbon, so she won't outgrow it too fast!

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That's beautiful, Jessi!! :yay:cheer:yay

I'm still around. I've been working on a quilt-ghan and a crib-ghan, so my BS hasn't made much progress lately. I did bring it upstairs today, so I might get a stripe done on it yet. :hook So far today, I've been whipstitiching little squares together for the quilt-ghan. I have almost half a block put together (72 squares).:lol

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I'm still checking on everybody's progress. I still haven't managed to get more yarn to make mine the length I want to make it.


Everyone has done such a wonderful job, can't wait til they're all finished.

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