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Bedspread Bonanza


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Well I think I am back this time. Things have been insane and since I have gotten pregnant I have been exhausted. Matter of fact I can't believe I am still awake. I haven't worked on my BS in a couple of weeks, so I need to get crackin' so I will have something to show everyone on Friday. I hope everyone is doing well and I miss hearing what is going on.

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Hi Everyone:clap


Here is a picture of my squares, so far.

I haven't made any today, yet, because I wanted to get the round ripple finished.

I want to ask you, how do you stitch the squares together??? with a needle & thread, or a darning needle & yarn:think I need some help with this, I've never done it!!



click on the picture to enlarge

Carol, some of us crochet them together using sc, others use whipstitch (using darning...big-eyed...needle and yarn).

This is a link to a site I found with an illustration...


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Pretty colors, Carol! Have you decided what method you're going to use to join them?:yarn



I'm going to put the right sides together, & use a darning needle & yarn-same color, & either sew them together in the back loops only, or the front loops, probably the back loops, because with the right sides together, sewing the squares together in the back loops would be the top or right side of the squares, I think:think



I'll sew 2 squares together today, & find out, & then I'll post it, how I did it.

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Carol, if you sew the squares through the back loops, the squares will lay flat...a really nice look. I even give the yarn a little tug every few stitches so I get a snug joining...:hook

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Well it's the end of my day. I've crocheted 14 of the 70 squares needed for my cribghan and they are joined together in two rows of 7 squares each. I am pleased and so are John and Kim. Wheeeeee!:yay

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Here is a picture of 2 squares I sewed together with a darning needle & the same color of yarn, & I took the squares, put the right sides together, & sewed them in the back loops only, & beings this is the first time I've ever done this, I like it:yay amd more to come:hook



click on the picture to enlarge

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Good morning, all. It's a rainy day here today with some thunderstorms also forecast. A good day to crochet and stay inside where it's warm and dry.


Great job, Carol. That looks super.:cheer

I'm off to crocet pink and burgundy squares. Will drop in again later.:hook

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Good Afternoon To Everyone:clap


I have 7 squares made, & I just got through sewing them together, so I'll be ready for photo friday:hook

Thank you for your sweet compliments, it keeps me going:woo

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Hello! I am not out of this yet, this thing is still staring me in the face begging to get done!


I don't have any photos because I haven't worked on the dang thing, but I wanted you all to know I was still around!

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Good Morning!


Carol~Those squares are looking great. You go girl. :cheer:clap:cheer


KnicKnac~I hear ya! Mine has been sooo neglected & what do I go & do? I join another CAL. *DOH* :lol So, no worries. I'll still be here next year too. :P:lol

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Carol, those squares look great, how many are you up too.


Here's my Friday picture ladies. I am so happy with the way the spread turned out. DH said to leave it like it is, but I want to go and get more yarn and bring the sides way down. If I have it my way I'll put at least another 24 rows of border on it. Sorry the pic isn't the best, kinda hard to get a good picture of this big thing.


click to enlarge


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Wanda, it's BEAUTIFUL!! I would also agree with you, wanting to make the sides longer - but if you can't do it it looks terrific as is!:yay:cheer

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Wanda that is simply beautiful - keep on going. I'm almost done with another motif. Slow going this week - way to much going on.

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Hi all! I'm still here too. No work done on my spread, but just wanted to pop in... It's been a crazy few weeks, I have stacks and stacks of work to do so free time is at a miminum lately... but I hope to be able to work on the spread again soon.


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