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Bedspread Bonanza


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Good morning, everyone. The sun is shining and warmer weather is forecasted to be on the way soon. :sun This has been the coldest February since I moved to Georgia. Usually we have lots of spring flowers in bloom by now, but not this year. Hopefully it won't be too much longer before it is warm enough for them to bloom. Thanks for all the compliments. They are much appreciated.:manyheart

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Good morning, everyone. Where are you? We were on page two. :eek And nobody but me checked in yesterday. It's lonely here. I need some company! :hug I did some finishing up on things yesterday. Have two appointments today, but then I can do some crocheting. Kim is still under the weather so it was back to the doctor yesterday and more antibiotics. :sick Sure wish these chest things didn't hang on so long with her.:sick

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Good Morning Linda! I checked in yesterday but didn't post. I know i'm a badgirl. :lol I hope Kim feels better soon. :manyheart


I haven't worked on my ghan in a couple weeks since I started the Do-Si-Do. Honestly, I haven't crocheted anything in days.:eek Yes, I know that is sinful but i've been so busy during the day & then by time night comes i'm so pooped. I have nothing planned for today so i'm hoping to get back on the ball with my projects. :yes



Have a happy crochet day! :hook:yarn

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Morning tootie fruities ~ :lol


Thought I'd send out a good morning greeting to you all.

I, like Tabby just said, have been sloughing off BIG TIME on crochet. I PROMISE to get some done today .

No excuses, just been running around like a chicken with my head cut off . Time to get my rear in gear today .

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Morning tootie fruities ~ :lol


Thought I'd send out a good morning greeting to you all.

I, like Tabby just said, have been sloughing off BIG TIME on crochet. I PROMISE to get some done today .

No excuses, just been running around like a chicken with my head cut off . Time to get my rear in gear today .


Hi Jooooolllllliiiieeeeeee!

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Good morning, good old Renee !

Long time, no see ..

How are things going for you now ?


It's been up and down (lots of details on my blog at renegade500.livejournal.com, including my discovery yesterday that my current cell phone bill was $478.03 :eek ).


But I am mostly caught up now at work, and I've been doing some crocheting - I'm testing a pattern for Kathy (a gorgeous thread shawl), so that'll be taking all my energies for the next several weeks.

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Renee - WOW!! :eek and OW!! :eek What a cell phone bill!

Julie - I really like Georgia. As you said, it is a gorgeous state. :) I love the fact that we only have about 2 - 2 1/2 months of winter. And the fact that normally the temp doesn't get much below 32 degrees in the winter. And the fact that the sun shines most of the time, even in winter. I don't miss the six months of winter, no sunshine, lots of below 0 degrees temps, and tons of snow that were the norm in Minnesota for winter. :D Summers are long and hot, but I'll take that over the long and cold winters any day. I grew up amid the hills in Iowa, so I enjoy our hills, and trees a lot.

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Renee - WOW!! :eek and OW!! :eek What a cell phone bill!


Linda, I give more details on my blog, but I did use a gazillion minutes in the last several weeks (after my dad died, there were several days when I was on the phone for 6 or 7 hours, and most days I was on the phone for at least 3 or 4 hours per day!). I knew the bill would be high, and had no objection to paying a high bill.


But the short of it is this: after spending 45 minutes on the phone with Sprint yesterday, they took $140 off my bill, waived my accruing monthly charges for the next 6 weeks, gave me 3 months to pay the bill, and they're sending me a new $200 phone in the mail (plus I got switched to a plan that's close to what I have now, only it's better and cheaper).


I've been with them for almost a decade, and I was spitting mad at them (in short, when I switched plans 2 years ago, they switched me to the incorrect plan, and there was lots of back and forth about that, because I didn't have a contract, so there was never verification sent to me of the plan I was on). I was about to tell them to go #$)@# themselves and switch to a new carrier.


I guess they wanted to keep my business.

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Wow, Renee

yea, thats a humdinger of a phone bill, but glad you could get them to give you a deal that helped out some .

It sounds like your life is settling down a little . I hope it continues to improve for you . Keep on crocheting, somedays that is what gets me through the day, waking up to a crochet project . :)


Linda- yes, it does sound like a nice place to live. You went from one extreme to the other, Minnesota to Georgia ! ( At least as far as weatherwise ), although I have heard Minnesota is a beautiful state. Never been there ,so all I know is by pictures and what other people have said .

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Way to go, Renae. I'm glad they were cooperative about it all.:)

I lived in Minnesota for over 30 years, Julie. It is a very beautiful state, but the weather extremes are just that, EXTREME. It can get down to -40 degrees with wind chills of -80 degrees in the winter. :2snow :wbrrAnd it can get up to 100 degrees with 99% humidity in the summer. :hot :sweatIf you don't like the weather, wait a few minutes and it will change.:lol

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That's what they say about Ohio weather too, but ours isn't that drastic as far as temperatures . We have more months of crappy weather here than good . Most of the year, it's either snowing, raining, too cold or too hot . We have very few days where it is just perfect . This is the only place I've ever lived though so I'm used to it .

Can I be nosey and ask if you guys moved just to move , or because of a job transfer or something ?

We have talked a lot about moving from here and starting over someplace new since the family is all raised and gone .My parents moved to Florida last fall permanently. We were kinda staying here in case they got down sick and needed us, since I only have one sister and she is out of state, but now they moved away so we don't have to stay to help them out .

There are 2 things keeping us here --one is the fact that my husband has worked in the same company for 31 years and has 6 weeks vacation .

The other is Cam. I think it'd break my heart to leave him now when he's still little. Maybe as he gets older and spends less time with mamaw, and moire time with school and friends and sports, it'll be easier to leave .

We'll see .

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Well, My BS is on hold til I get the layette done. I got the bib part of the sweater done last night. I will start working on the lower half tonight. Funny thing, I had DD pick the colors for a baby girl. She choose lavendar with pink accents.

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Well, My BS is on hold til I get the layette done. I got the bib part of the sweater done last night. I will start working on the lower half tonight. Funny thing, I had DD pick the colors for a baby girl. She choose lavendar with pink accents.

Tracey, DD has a way with colors...will you post pics when you're done? It sounds beautiful!:c9

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Well, I've gotten another stripe done on the BS, BUT I have a cribghan to make for Kim's cousin who is expecting a little girl the end of March. It's her first and everyone is just sooooo excited. :yay But that means I am going to have to really boogy in order to get it done in time. :2eek The yarn arrived today. It's going to be in Burgundy Wine and Plush Pink chenille. I'm using a size K hook and making 6" granny squares in alternating colors. Anyway, it might be a few weeks before I can do any more on the BS. I'll try to get a picture posted tomorrow of what's done so far.:)

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Well, I've gotten another stripe done on the BS, BUT I have a cribghan to make for Kim's cousin who is expecting a little girl the end of March. It's her first and everyone is just sooooo excited. :yay But that means I am going to have to really boogy in order to get it done in time. :2eek The yarn arrived today. It's going to be in Burgundy Wine and Plush Pink chenille. I'm using a size K hook and making 6" granny squares in alternating colors. Anyway, it might be a few weeks before I can do any more on the BS. I'll try to get a picture posted tomorrow of what's done so far.:)


i can`t wait to see photos :clap

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