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Message From Kristiemn

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Hello everyone. I was asked to pass along a message to all of you:


KristieMN's computer is down. The earliest that she will be back on is tomorrow (Friday, 12/15/06). If you have anything that you would like to be passed on to her you can pm me and I will let her know. Thanks so much and Have A Great Weekend!:)


Happy Crocheting!:hook

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I am back on...barely!

I lost everything on my hard drive...yes, my patterns!!

I lost a ton of pictures too.

I had to take my computer in...and they were not able to retrieve any of my data. :(

I am trying to track down people who have copies of my patterns.

What a mess!!


Sorry to leave my testers up in the air like that!!

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I just emailed you what I have - if you need help recapturing the photos from the pdf files, just let me know - I'm good at that stuff :-)


And, if you want, I can email you all of the photos of the ones I've made (in case you need more etc)


I'm really sorry this happened to you! Last time our pc crashed b/c of the motherboard, we bought a laptop and put the old harddrive into it's own case w/it's own power supply. Now I cannot run the applications on the old drive, but I can access all of the files and store stuff there too (like my patterns!) It's connected to the current pc via USB. I think the case etc cost us $60...anyway...


Anything else I can do to help, just hollar!

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