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Christmas Projects

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Yay me!!!! :cheer :cheer :clap I have finally finished all my christmas gifts this year. I made six Rugged Mountain hats, scarf, and mittens sets for some friends. (I will post pics soon.)

Now I have taken a few days of not crocheting and I am ready to jump on the wagan again and finish my hubby's graph-ghan I started like two years ago. I am half way done with it.

My DS keeps asking me to make him a Bob the Builder blanket, so after my hubby's graph-ghan, I have another to do. Good thing I don't know of any more babies coming for awhile.

Anyway, I just wanted to share I am finished and ready to move on. And for those of you still working on the christmas projects, It will be okay. You will get them done in time.

thanks for reading


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Ah, I wish it was me!! I still have at least ten projects--could easily be twenty--that I need to do, and so little time left!!


Congratulations on finishing! :)

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Congratulations! I'm down to one crocheted scarf to finish but I have a lot of sewing projects to finish (but I got three sweatshirts finished for my mother today).

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