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I MUST be a stress JUNKIE!!

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Okay, we got our new carpet in, the linolium in the kitchen, my hubbys boss paid for it all, as it IS his building...well lo and behold, my hubby says, JoAnn, you should Crochet them up a nice doily for their table for Christmas to thank them, okay, fine, so I whipped out my Between the Meal Centerpeice that I had started in the SPRING, and get to work on that, mind you I am a little over half way done with it, no problem, I can get it done for CHRISTMAS, SO then HUBBY SAYS, well, you know, you should make one for Rob too, he is the son that owns the flooring store, the boss's son...so here I go...little did hubby know, I had ANOTHER one of the same 3/4 done, that I was planning on entering in the fair last year, but didn't get it done in time. so here I am working my fingers off, the one for the fair I was making I am using a size 30 thread!! Ouch, my fingers are hurting...I did it to myself, just can't say NO, BUT in all honesty, my apartment, it is actually an old wharhouse building, looks like a CONDO it is so wonderful!!! So really I too am VERY thankful, and just in time for the holidays..

buty now having myself in a Crochet-a-thon, I need to get working on these...:hook Anyways, that's when I decided this morning that I MUST be a stress JUNKIE...:think I will definatly take pictures of both when doen to show you all :manyheart

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Wow, a crochet-a-thon. Those can be both stressful and fun. I find them fun on the weekends that my youngest goes to her grandmother's and stressful when she's home (she likes to "help" when I get a coffee or something). We'll be cheering you on and I can't wait to see the pics you show.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Wow...that is a lot on your plate. I think many of us almost feel a "comfort level" when it is stressful. I don't know about anyone else, but if things get too calm... THEN I worry! :lol

You'll get it done, JoAnn, and you'll deserve a pat on the back for your efforts. Good luck!


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I find it most interesting that you had two of these things just sitting around the house waiting for this moment.


Have at it girl. i think it is wonderful that your hubby immediately thought of your skill for a thank you present too.

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I feel your pain! (Not your size 30 thread pain, but the last minute holiday crunch!) My hubby decided on December 3rd that he wants an afghan! I told him that no way was he getting one for Christmas this year, but all the while I was thinking "Okay, I can do this!"

I've been stealth-crocheting and staying up late and getting up early to try and get it done in time to surprise him!

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HA! I do that to myself. I "obligate" myself to do something for some one ("Oh! I'll make you one! It won't take long!"), not taking into consideration how many projects I already have on the hooks. And now that I have RA (Rheumatoid arthritis), some nights I'm just too danged tired and too sore to pick up a hook. I over extended myself again this christmas with promises of christmas "happies" i'm finding difficult to fullfill. But tonight is the night!! I WILL finish these scarfs and get them in the mail tomorrow, put the sleeves on the Darski Wrap by this weekend, and that will give me about a week to finish the Neopolitan round ripple that's a surprise present for my prayer partner. Whew! I promise I will not do this next Christmas. That is I wont "tell" people what I'm making them, that way if I can't get it finished then there's no let-down, and I can go out and buy them something.


So, you're not alone in your crochet-a-thon. :)


LOL ----> stealth-crocheting :)

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...my hubby says, JoAnn, you should Crochet them up a nice doily for their table for Christmas to thank them...
So, HE doesn't need to do/make anything to thank them - just you? :think


Good thing you had some already-started projects ready. Another reason to keep several WIPs around at all times. ;)

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Well well, this will indeed be a BIG project for me to have these both finished in time, yes Darski, that IS interesting that I had not one but TWO started, lol, the first like I said was going to be entered in the county fair, but I didn't get it done in time, put it away, forgotten, THEN I wanted to make one for ME, my table, again, my ADD got the best of me, and I was off to something else, I BELIEVE at the time i found a tablecloth pattern I HAD to make for my table, which I DID finish..lol..I will be taking pics anyday now that my place is getting back together of my works :manyheart This having to work full time for a living is getting to me, don't people UNDERSTAND we NEED crochet time??? LOL, that is why I work second shift, so I have alone time in the mornings to work on things, BUT, if I can stay off the putor and the phone, I am SURE I would get more accomplished...geshhhhhhhhh thanks all, I will keep you all posted:hug

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I started that same doily JoAnn. :lol It was the doily of the month in a yahoo group I used to be in. Still sitting in a bin somewhere, unfinished.... Mine is probably 3/4 of the way done. I can't wait to see yours finished! Maybe it will motivate me to finish mine. Hee Hee....



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:cheer:clap:cheer:clap Here's the enthusiasm to keep you going thru the size 30 thread :cheer:clap:cheer:clap and a reminder that you are not alone :hug (who isn't begining a crothet-a-thon right about now???)


(actually I just want to see the doilies when they are done :devil )

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I am still working away, I am on row 43 of one, whew, I worked all weekend, and extra hours, seems everyone wanted to quite before the holidays, so we are in a bind at work, which has cut BIG time into my doily making, well I have tommorow off and I am doing NOTHING but working on these, and PRAYING I get one done. thanks friends for the encouragement!! I need it

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