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home made instructions for beginner crocheter?

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My niece would like to learn to crochet:hook . She is 11 years old and is learning English fast (her 3rd language). I would like for Christmas to teach her to crochet (I am not a pro yet, but I will be ok for basics:P ) . We will go for a whole day there and while my husband will play car racing with her little brother we will be doing girly stuff:c9 .


So I bought her 4 nice girly colored soft cotton balls, a little purple hook and I would like to make her a bigginner's guide. Print nice illustrated insructions from different free sites, some nice easy patterns, and a list of great websites where she can continue to learn.

do you have any recommandations from the net?

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I would suggest getting her a crochet book with instructions for begginers. There are many crochet books for kids out there and you can get them at your local craft store. ;)



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Technically, you are not permitted to make copies of patterns on the net to give to someone else.

oh , I didn`t think about that:( ! It`s not the kind of thing you think about with gifts for kids.

I tried to find a nice book but either they are too difficult in English, or the projects are not nice:no .

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I think this is such a nice thing you're doing for your niece.


Some good resource websites to include would be:

Crochetpatterncentral.com - they have a section with links to other instructional sites

The Lion Brand website has some pretty good tutorials on learning to crochet as well.


I don't want to dissolve this thread into a copyright discussion, but I don't understand why it would be problematic for you to print patterns off the web and give them to her as a gift. How is this any different from purchasing a pattern book and giving it to someone else as a gift? I would think the copyright would still be maintained and not compromised, because you are simply printing off the pattern whole from the website just as you would a copy for yourself, but rather than keeping it for yourself, you're deciding to give it to someone else as a gift.

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If your neice has access to the net, http://www.crochetpatterncentral.com ha a great deal of resources for beginner! If I read the info on the site right, they all have pics too. I couldn't tell you for sure though (I'm blind). In the director of free crochet instructions, there is even a link for teaching children to crochet. Maybe you could help her with the language if it is too hard for her as of yet. I think that would be a great bonding moment with her, not only are you teaching her crochet, you would also be helping her with English. Just a thought!

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i love it that you are passing the love of crochet on to yor niece. i hope things go smooth and she catches on quickly. i learned at 11 yoa from my grandmother. it has been the biggest blessing of my life.


passing on the love of the hook and yarn

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thank you! I am noting all your web suggestions:) .

her internet and computer is very slow, that is why I was thinking about printing things out. but I will give her a list of websites anyways so keep on the good suggestions:clap

this summer I thought her to do friendship bracelets and beading, now she wants crochet and knitting. but for knitting I can't help her yet:P .

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There are lots of free patterns available at yarn shops and stores like wal-mart these are tear off sheets ; and look on yarn labels for free patterns. Most popular crochet magazines come with a picture guide of how to do the stitches. Libraries are good sources for patterns as well. thank you for passing on the knowledge to the next generation.

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