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Have you ever..

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gotten so caught up with tricky projects that they keep you from falling asleep at night cause your brain insists on still working on them???


This last week or so, every night my brain has been working on patterns while the rest of me just wanted sleep....so I've decided that I'm going to take care of a few non-mental projects (making a back piece for a pillow, joining squares for comfortghans) and then I'm going to work on my quilt square patterns since all the hard work is already done, I just have to actually work them up now...and I'm hoping that by not working on new patterns during the day, my brain will get the hint and not fixate on them at night too!!


Anyone else do this to themselves??:think



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Your brain migrates to head at night. :) So many times I am basically thinking of what has to be done next on the blanket I am working on instead of actually sleeping. I got up three times last night to try a stitch that I thought would work. If I like it, it stayed and I would go back to bed with my mind still in the crochet mode. I think it was somewhere around 1 am that I finally fell asleep. Not so fun this morning when I have to be at work by 7 am. At least I am getting the blanket finished. Hopifully I will have it finished by this weekend. It is taking longer than I expected, but there is so much more to do around Christmas time.



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I have that problem even if it isn't a complicated pattern- If i'm doing a repetive stitch that I'm trying to speed through. I have a hard time falling asleep because I keep thinking about how much is left to do- then about how much I could be getting done while I'm lying in bed not sleeping!

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When I am hot and heavy into a project I find myself counting stitches allllllllll the time. No matter what I'm doing I am counting in my head. I was loading the dishes the other night and all the sudden I realized I was counting, 57, 58, 59, 60 ..........


I will wake up in the middle of the night counting, 43, 44, 45, 46.....


My husband gets up at 3:30 every morning to get ready for work. He always rolls over and kisses me. He asked me yesterday what I was dreaming about cause when he kissed me I started counting, 61, 62, 63, 64.......:lol

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