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You Know You're a Fiber Addict If...

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You know you're a yarn addict if you buy an angora goat just so you can have 100% angora to use. (I just did this but I don't know how to spin it or anything else about the process :think )

By the way, my husband still can't believe I bought her just for her fleece. :)

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You know you're a yarn addict if you buy an angora goat just so you can have 100% angora to use. (I just did this but I don't know how to spin it or anything else about the process :think )


By the way, my husband still can't believe I bought her just for her fleece. :)


I thought angora came from rabbits:think are there 2 kinds? How do you tell the difference? It's cool you now have a goat! There is a great folder here for spinning...I learned how from the videos in that folder :yes I really want to try alpaca! Please post photos when you do spin:hug

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If you tell yourself "Just one more row" 5000 times before falling asleep while crocheting.


If you drive by a farm and wonder how many sheep you would need to finish your afghan.


If you look around your house for things to give you ideas for new crochet patterns and stitches.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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all the clerks at JoAnn's, Michael's and Hobby Lobby know you by name


You get Christmas & Birthday cards from your lys


you get up an hour early every morning just to crochet

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You own more than 2 pieces of crocheted attire.


All your family members own more than 2 pieces of crocheted attire.


Your pets own more than 2 pieces of crocheted attire.


You own more afghans than you own beds.


Your family members own more afghans than they do beds.


Your pet owns a crocheted bed/afghan.


You own at least 1 piece of crocheted furniture.


That 1 piece of furniture is buried under the latest addition to your stash.


Your living room looks more like the yarn section at Wal Mart/Michael's/etc.


Your stash is taking over every room in your house.


You have a WIP in every room in your house....


and car.


You no longer use a purse, you use a tote just so you can carry your crochet with you.


You carry a purse AND a tote...


or two.


You use your hooks to keep your hair up while working on a WIP.


You make a chain out of bulky yarn because your son's belt buckle just broke.


You keep a "spare" hook in the most unlikely places ie. your sugar bowl, sun visor, tucked in your bra/sock/pocket protector, etc.


You don't count sheep to go to bed, you count projects, skeins, hours until that sale at Joann's...


prolly can come up with more but that's just off the top of my head lol

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You no longer use a purse, you use a tote just so you can carry your crochet with you.


You carry a purse AND a tote...


I have just recently stopped carrying a purse, just put the things I need from my purse in the front pocket of my tote bag.

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You know you're a yarn addict when you fell asleep crocheting.


You know you're a yarn addict when you have a crochet blog separated from your regular blog because your regular friends don't understand what you're fussing about anymore.


You know you're a yarn addict when you come to dollar store just for yarn.


You know you're a yarn addict when your teddy bear has a crochet jacket.


You know you're a yarn addict when you have more pictures of crochet projects stored in your computer than pictures of human beings (the person is called a "yarnophile")


You know you're a yarn addict when you come to a department store thinking you can copy every single piece of clothings they have.


You know you're a yarn addict when your family can predict what you're giving them for Christmas: some cute crochet/knit numbers.

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You know you're a yarn addict when you fell asleep crocheting.


You know you're a yarn addict when you come to a department store thinking you can copy every single piece of clothings they have.


:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol tHIS IS SOOOOOOOOOOO ME ....my friends say my fav statement is " I can make that...and waaaaay cheaper too":yes

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lol. I am seeing myself in a new light now, I have fallen asleep with yarn and hook in hand. I went to the dollar store last night to see what yarn they had. And I definately have more pics of crochet projects on the computer than pics of human beings.



You know you are a yarn addict if you go out of your way just to go look at yarn.


You know you are a yarn addict if you don't sew but you are planning on making as a first project a case for your hooks.....


you are a yarn addict if instread of buying fuzzy socks, you take up knitting just so you can make some.....


you are a yarn addict if you buy a coat to match a scarf you made.



heheheee I think I am telling on myself just a little bit.:blush:lol

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When you find yourself buying yarn even when you don't need it and break out into song and then write filk song about it.


You can find the song here you will need to scroll down a bit. Some of you might have already seen it but thought you might like to see it again.


Take spinning classes, regularly pursue the sales pages of many online stores, spent lots of time here on the 'ville, etc...

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Your teddy bear has a crochet teddy bear with a crochet jacket hehe


wow, you're even more hardcore than I am :hug


lol. I am seeing myself in a new light now, I have fallen asleep with yarn and hook in hand. I went to the dollar store last night to see what yarn they had. And I definately have more pics of crochet projects on the computer than pics of human beings.



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You know you're a yarn addict if you buy an angora goat just so you can have 100% angora to use. (I just did this but I don't know how to spin it or anything else about the process :think )


By the way, my husband still can't believe I bought her just for her fleece. :)



Sounds like a new craft is about to be learned!


You know your a fiber addict if this (the quote) makes perfect sense to you!

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You stop by the lys (that's in dangerously close proximity to DH's work) on your way to meet DH for dinner and end up missing the last available table. :blush .......And you didn't even have $$ to buy anything.


Your lys owner knows you by name, even though you just go in to look at and feel all the yarns you can't afford yet. :manyheart


(It's Simply Soft :yarn or sale items for me at the moment).

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