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Stash surprises!!

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Have any of you pulled out your stash and discovered things you don't even remember getting?? Or been really surprised at how much of one color you've got?


So, today I pulled out my yarn...all of it....the big box, the dozen or so shopping bags, the few WIP's in their own bags...and took it into the living room while DD took her nap...and I cataloged everything in the smaller bags first, then did the big box...I have more stuff than I realized....and for some reason...I have a TON of PINK!!! I hate pink. Even for newborns. For baby girls I tend to use purple, yellow, green, red...pretty much anything BUT pink. Now, my older DD does like pink, but I can't imagine why I have SO much of it...I thought I only picked up pink when I knew I was making something for her...but then I would only have partial skeins left...but I have a bunch of unused skeins too....what am I going to do with all this PINK???


I also discovered a yarn that I know my MIL has been having trouble finding, so I'll be giving all those partial skeins to her (she needs it to put hexagons together, so the partials are okay).


But I was really surprised by some of the stuff...I don't remember having most of it...and now I've got all these colors bopping around in my head demanding what I'm going to make from them LOL!!



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I dread going through my stash and usually try to put it off for as long as possible. It is however a great thing to do when I am in a rut as to what start next. I always have a half a dozen ideas floating around in my head but sometimes the yarn doesn't just come to mind. Usually when I go through my stash one of the yarns will start to sing to me: Make me into THIS! :D It's weird how that happens, I just hold the yarn and really comes to me.

I went through and organised all my yarn last week. It had been a while AND I had moved. I recently acquired two smallish dressers with 4 drawers each at a garage sale which were empty so it was fun to organise. I'm still winding some center pull skeins from the loose skeins. Big thanks to the thread on Crochetville for teaching me how to do that~


As to what I found: a have alot more feltable wool then I realised and I'll definately be doing my first felted project after I finish up my christmas projects.

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I think it is great that you gave away yarn to a teenager who crochets. i didn"t have anyway to buy much yarn at that age would have loved for someone to have taken me under their wing...and that way your stash is smaller room for more yarn

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My 14 year old daughter has recently taken up crochet and she comes in the living room with one of those huge one-pound skeins of yarn in this hideous green. I say, "Ewww, where'd you get that yarn from?"

She "It was in your room in that box, down at the bottom"

Me thinking (Egads! What'd I ever buy that for?)


I'm telling you, she has found yarn I never knew I had in that room!

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I was cleaning out my closet a few days ago and came across a walmart bag with 2 burgandy coloured RHSS yarn (the giant balls). The reciept in the bag said it was 4 years old and I had a good chuckle as I remembered I was going to crochet myself a halloween costume that year. To give you all a good laugh, I was going to crochet a bed doll costume for me to wear. I'm currently using that old wool to make some sweaters for the family but the idea of a crocheted costume isn't dead yet.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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