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Cro-Hook Scarf Slow Going--Want to do something for me!!


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OK, I got through with the Christmas frenzy of knitting and crocheting, and finally I start work on my modular sweater. Then SIL says the other day that she would like a black cap to go with a coat. Then, having seen the cro-hooked hotpads I did for our mothers, DH pipes up and says he wants a cro-hook scarf. He likes tightly woven fabrics. So I started the scarf today, and it's soooo slow! 20-30 min. just to get a few inches done, and I have to continue for 5 ft or so.


When do I get to crochet something for myself?! Arrrgh!!! Do y'all have the same problem? I guess I'm gonna have to sneak around and work on my stuff in the closet or somewhere . . .


Thanks for the vent opportunity.

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Well, you don't have to make everyone everything they say they'd like, right? Just like you don't have to buy kids every toy they say they'd want for christmas. Of course you want to, but this is a hobby you do for fun, I'm guessing...people who make cakes don't bake one every time someone wants dessert. Maybe pick one of the two projects (the not as time consuming one), work on it, then work on something for yourself, then maybe the slow-as-frozen-molasses scarf.

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Yeah, that's pretty much the plan--to work on both. The scarf is more portable, so I'll take it to work on at lunchtime, at doc's office, or when DS's soccer starts back up. Then I can devote some time at home in the evening and on weekends to the sweater.


I just have too many patterns of things I want to make, but not enough time. But I'm preaching to the choir on that one!

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I get up 1 hour early every morning to have a peaceful time to myself. That time is exclusively for what I want to work on. No gifts, no requests - just me. :devil If you can't do that, pick a time that is just you - hey - it's your hobby, not your job! :hook

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I get up 1 hour early every morning to have a peaceful time to myself. That time is exclusively for what I want to work on. No gifts, no requests - just me. :devil If you can't do that, pick a time that is just you - hey - it's your hobby, not your job! :hook


This is excellent advice! Everyone deserves some "me" time. :)

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Crocus is right. You gotta take time from everyone and do some "Me" projects. My hubby got so sick of me complaining about the stuff I was making for everyone else that he surprised me one morning with a small stash of yarn. It was 5 balls of purple, 2 grape, 2 iris and a ball of baby in a very light lavender. His demands with the wool? I could make anything I wanted with them as long as it was for me only and that I work on projects I enjoy whenever I started getting grumpy with the projects for everyone else. It worked out great since I haven't complained since and he bought me a seperate bin for the "Me" stash.


Cindy, don't let the WIPs get you down. I've found people don't mind if their gifts are a bit late when it comes to crocheting or knitting them since they know that extra bit of love went into them. When you get frustrated, just take some "Me" time and go back to the more frustrating projects when you feel more refreshed. They will get done and we'll be cheering you on.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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I am just finding this lesson out for myself. People are starting to ask me to make them things. Although they are very willing to pay a good price for them, it does not leave alot of time for me to work on things I want to work on. I have been working on splitting my time evenly between the two. If I get sick of working on a project for someone else I work on something I want or am enjoying working on. It helps alot and, Aunti K is right, most people don't mind waiting for something that is home made with love.

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