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doilies what to do with them

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I have been seeing a pattern on my surfing where they take a doily style pattern to make a vest-like garment.


You make two of the 'doily' you want BUT,

You leave out arm slots/spaces on one area of the "doily".


stitch the two backs together in some artistic way

add straps

find a way to lace, close up the front.


That is rather vague but i don't have a specific link and the pattern is a diagram - not legal. :no

I might try making one so I could post a pic.... Unless someone else who could make one and wear it wanted to try the technique


Welcome to the wonderful world of doilies.

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I've always liked skirts and dresses made of doilies.


My friend gives her doilies as gifts. I loved recieving mine. I put itin my china cabinet and it is a wonderful way to think of my friend everday.:hug

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How about making a suncatcher doily? I've seen these and they look awesome hung in a window. You could even embellish them with beads and ribbon:


  • Buy metal hoops in different sizes, so that you can make doily suncatcher of different sizes.
  • Crochet any circular doily pattern but adapt it to a size smaller than the inside diameter of the metal hoop.
  • Spray starch on your crocheted doily pattern and iron it flat.
  • Center the doily inside the metal hoop and attach it to the hoop using crochet thread.
  • You have to choose on what points to attach the doily because that may make your doily suncatcher look different.
  • Pull on the pattern while tying the thread so that the doily is taut and stiff.
  • Trim any excess threads.

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A few smaller doilies can be stitched onto the front of a colored t-shirt to jazz it up, a few of them can be sewn onto tote bags or purses, make them in flowery colors and add leaves or whatever for decorations... make 6 (or 8 or 12) depending on your dining room, and use them as very special placemats.......they look lovely under a candy dish or a candle as a simple centerpiece......make a long line of smaller ones and use them as a shelf edging in your kitchen or bathroom or bedroom......your imagination is the limit!

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You can always applique them onto squares of fabric and make a quilt. The ones I've seen are very pretty.

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