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I hop between knitting and crochet but always come back to crochet. I worry myself sometimes as if i have to sit and not crochet I start getting twitchy. the longest I went without crocheting or knitting was 9 weeks when i broke my hand and dislocated my finger. I was so upset and depressed. I wasn`t on the net at that time and spent the 9 weeks in withdrawel.

I have now got to the point where I have knitted cakes on the needles and a crochet blanket on the go. crocheting at home and knitting if in public waiting for the kids i look after at ballet or if I am sat round waiting for them to come out from school. I am looking after them overnight tonight and will be taking the blanket I am working on. Am I borderline obsessive in my wool addiction?

When I take my knitting on holiday and feel sad when I cant take my work on the plane. they think knitting needles and crochet hooks are offensive weapons.

The last time I looked after the kiddies over night I took some squares I had been working on and they played with all 49 of them laying them out and making patterns. it was a joy to watch.

The little girl of five I look after once shouted me to come through from the kitchen I thought she was in pain the way she was shouting but no there was some wool featured on a childrens television programe. bless her. She said "look look wool!":hook . It did make me laugh.

So the point of this post is to ask is there anyone thinking I am crocheting too far and getting obsessive? or am I among other crocheting addicts here.

Take care all Sian xxxx

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You might be talking to the wrong crowd here...I think we are all too proud of our addiciton! Nothing wrong with projects on the go, either. Keeps you sane, usually. I know the ban on yarning supplies on airplanes has driven many of us to distraction- a skein and hook or needles is the only way to keep me from going nutso on a plane or airport with all the delays and noise etc.


My big problem is being somewhere without a project when I'm not doing anything because I can feel unproductive time slip by...actually causes me pain to waste 5 hrs in transit without yarn when I know that could have been turned into 5 hrs working on a project.

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Oh, I am SOOO with you on this!! When I had DH take me to the ER a few weeks ago, I made sure I packed 3 totally unused skeins and all my hooks so that I knew I'd have something to keep me occupied. And in the 3 days I was in the hospital, between all the lovely tests & surgery, I still managed to use up 2 1/2 of those skeins LOL!!


I can not just sit and watch TV anymore...it's physically impossible. While I'm at home all day with my younger DD, I crochet and she runs around playing with her own 2 hooks (the plastic ones, size M & N) and her own tapemeasure (she plays with it so much, I just KNOW it's not accurate anymore so stopped taking it back from her LOL)...


Whenever my older DD sits and chains on her yarn, she always tells me she's crochetting "just like you Mommy"...it's very sweet!!


Yeah, we're obsessed.... Yeah, we're addicted.... but there are SO many worse things we could be hooked on (pun totally intended) and this is one addiction I don't have any problem passing on to my girls....



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Don't worry about your addiction. We're all going through it and couldn't be happier. I know I feel edgy if my free time slips by and I'm not working on a project or looking for new projects to try. And you know when your addiction is real bad when your kids are in the house all day on weekends and they're begging you to pick up your hook so you'll stop bugging them.

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There are times when I feel like part of me is missing if I don't bring a WIP to work even tho I know good and well I won't have time to work on it. My husband thinks I can't listen to him or converse with him while i'm crocheting (WRONG, just because men are less adept at that type of multitasking - studies have shown it - doesn't mean women are too!!). I get sad when I have to just sit.

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I actually had a mental health professional (I have bipolar disorder, so get to see a shrink regularly) mention that I must not be able to sit still, since I crochet in the waiting room, and during our visit!


I was rather offended, actually - she made it seem like my hobby was something bad! I asked if she'd rather I take up woodworking and haul that around with me instead!

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I'm the same. I can't handle just sitting around, I wish I could be crocheting. Visiting people is the worst! While I love to visit, while we're just sitting and talking I can't help but wish I had my crochet. I told DH about this and he thinks it would be terribly rude if I did take my crochet on visits. Unless it's family they understand.


So don't feel bad, we're all the same here, and there's nothing wrong with you!

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It is good not to be alone hehe. The little boy I look after asked me to teach him last night. he is seven years old. I was so happy. I will have to get him some wool from my stash and teach him.

yes it is like you get so used to crocheting that it becomes part of you and you just cant put it down.

I suppose I am happy in my addiction I love it.

If i was banned from crocheting at work on an evening I would be gutted.

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I admit I have this addiction as well. But I don't think it is a bad thing. I mean I do have something good that comes out of this addiction. (finished objects that everyone seems to love) There are lots of things I could be doing that are much worse than this hobby. I take my crochet with me just about everywhere I go. Especially places where I know that I have to wait (doctor's offices, hospital, or emergency room, etc...) I sit with an elderly neighbor several days a week for a few hours at a time. She knits, but hasn't done much of it lately (not been feeling to well)...She tells me to bring my crochet with me, as she likes to watch me stitch. I think my family and friends are used to seeing me drag whatever project I am working on with me as I have been doing it for years. :lol I feel like I have forgotten to take my purse with me if I don't have my project bag with me. :eek

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