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Burnt out in crocheting help please

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Hi, I am not sure if i am burnt out with crocheting. I went to look for new patterns and got new books. I turned to knitting and somehow trying to make socks and smaller items i think i burnted myself out pretty much and trying to do something else I cannot do. I was then trying to decide between the two. I have some needles that I think I was going to return I dont think I will use them at all. Can someone help with this please. Am I burnt out or do I need a break. I was trying to see if I can find someone to meet with to keep me intested but I think I am working on that still. I know I will be back to crocheting can someone help me out please. Thank you. :hook

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I just went through this last month! I started a bunch of new projects for Christmas back in October, and before I finished anything I got busy in life, tired at the end of the day and just lost motivation. I couldn't finish a project to save my life. The stress of looking at this ufo's just made it worse. So I put a few aside, I will finish them some other time and I bought (gasp!) gifts instead, and just concentrated on one project. I finally finished it, I feel great and refreshed, and now I'm back on track.


Sometimes it just helps to put the hooks down for a bit and take the pressure off. If you're working on big projects sometimes taking a break and doing a quick dishcloth or slippers or something helps because you get that feeling of accomplishment from finishing something.


Good luck, I'm sure this will pass for you :)

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Unless crocheting is your JOB...the way you earn your money to live....then you are allowed to take a break from it without feeling guilty! This is SUPPOSED to be a hobby, a pleasant pastime that should bring you happiness. When it turns into something else then I think it is time for a break! Don't force yourself to crochet or you will begin to hate it!! Tinkerpuppet was right when she said to put away all the UFOs.When things start to pile up we begin to stress out......our hobbies are supposed to help us beat stress not cause it! Start to crochet again only when you WANT to.

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Take as much time off as you want or feel you need to. Too much of a good thing isn't good for a person and that can include crocheting. I find this is especially true when I find a bunch of new but difficult patterns and I try working on them all at once. Sometimes it takes just a day or it can take a month. Just set the needles and hooks aside for a bit and hang out with us Villagers until you get your groove back.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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There is nothing wrong in putting it aside for a while. I have gone as long as a year before without crocheting. We are busy with life. IF this is your hobby and you enjoy it you will always come back to it.

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I haven't picked up a hook in almost 3 weeks and it's driving me nuts...but I just do not have the motivation right now...and I know part of what is driving me is that I worry it will be 4 years before I pick up a hook again...(that's what happened one time...)


Like someone else said though, this is a hobby and you can take breaks...you could very well be burnt out, but you won't know for sure until you give yourself a bit of a break first...I want to crochet, but I've got other distractions at the moment and I really am tired...and quite frankly, at the end of the day, whatever projects I have pending can wait, Christmas gifts or not...I know I'll be back at it soon...so for the present time, I've allowed crocheting to be an extremely low priority...my rest has to come first, then caring for my husband and cat, then working on Christmas cards and decorations, and if after I've read 3 chapters of the Chronicles of Narnia I feel like picking up the hook and carrying on, then I will...I want to enjoy what I do when I crochet, not feel like it's a burden...takes all the fun out of it if I don't...


First off, give yourself permission to take a break from crocheting...give yourself a timelimit and then review and see how you feel...I'll bet you'll be back to crocheting before you know it...

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I have several hobbies and when I get tired of one, I turn to one of my other ones instead and do it for a while. It's ok to take a break. Look on it as a vacation.

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The good news is that you don't lose your crochet friends (here at the Ville) just because you lose the crochet thrill for a while.


So rest, make some chicken soup and just make nice for a while or forever. :ghug

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Definetly give yourself a breather, and see if you get that urge again on its own. You know...walking past a yarn store, seeing something in a magazine and wondering if you could make it, seeing your own stash or for any other reason (or no reason) getting that itch in your fingers to create. It will probably come back once you've let the stress clear. We've all been there

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I actually picked up a hook again and i'm thinking of doing a crochet along. I think I will be crocheting it was just I was working on projects for other people or they asked me for scarves and hats and I think that got me burnt out with changing my mind but now i'm back to it. I think I wanted to do it as long as it wasnt a chore and as long as it wasnt something I had to do. thank you for your input but yes I will probably take breaks.:hook

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