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I actually recieved a small stash yesterday!! Read on..

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Well by now, most everyone knows I Crochet at work, other than my boss:hook , well, they are always comming in the alzhiemers unit to see what I am making now, mostly I have been making squares for the Comfortgahns, and a Catholic Nun Lila, who I used to work with at the convent years ago, asked me how it was going friday, I told her good, but I want to do more, and it gets to your budget fast, well low and behold, The GREAT Sister Lila, calls the convents craft store, and says she will get me a bit of yarn, so last night at work, she comes in with TWO big bags of yarn, and thread. The funny part is, it is so cute, because God only knows what brand or colors these are, as the Nuns rolled them into balls, and some of it is colors I haven't seen in awhile! And some VINTAGE threads with the lables still on, when it was 50 cents a roll!! I would say it is definatly enough to keep my fingers busy, Bless Sister Lila, how kind....A DEFINATE PAY it forward moment!!

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Very cute story.....a real "give and ye shall receive " sort of thing! Thanks for sharing :hug it with us, and post photos:photo of all your little goodies when you have finished! I am looking forward to seeing them!:manyheart

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good work Sister Lila!! it's so lovely she wanted you to be able to continue giving when it was getting hard for you to do so

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That was so kind of her. I love hearing happy stuff like this first thing in the morning because it gives such a warm feeling to the rest of the day. Thank you for sharing it with us and keep up the good work.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Thank you al!! My hubby said I was dreaming about it last night and talking in my sleep :hook I was saying "Oh look at this pretty little ball, it goes over here" "oh and this one"...well, see how excited I get...:manyheart And I "think" Sister Lila is getting sick of me thanking her...:P yes what a blessing indeed:c9

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