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Too much yarn, not enough time

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I did it again - I've overextended myself with projects.


I used to do it with baked goods around the holidays, and now I've done it with crocheting.


I have planned on making a scarf for my brother, a hat for his boyfriend, a BICO for my 4 year old PLUS three small comfortghans for the children of friends (see siggy).


There is NO way I'm going to get all of that done in three weeks. If I crocheted all day, every day, maybe. But I still have housework to do, a daughter to play with and take to therapies, oh, yeah, and eating.


I think I'm going to have to send the comfortghans as "after Christmas" gifts, and that bites. I know they'll still be appreciated, but it's not the same, y'know?


Urgh. Why do I DO this to myself??? :bang:help

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24 days until christmas and i have 50+ hours of crocheting and knitting to do. I have to work too, so i was thinking of not moving on Sunday until i have at least got one finished scarf, bag and half a short n sweet :)


Luckily, the things i was going to make for my friends in the US, arent going to be posted until January anyway (since they will probably get lost in the Christmas rush otherwise) so i have a little breathing space on those - even though they are the things that i WANT to start now lol.


We cant win, but at least you will get most things finished, and at least they will be appreciated :)

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You do this to yourself because your care about the folks you are making stuff for and want to share your talent with them.


Oh, and if you're like me, because you might get into trouble baking all that stuff because you would end up eating more than you aught. Can't eat that scarf you make for a brother, no matter how yummy it looks :)

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We MUST be twins..lol, only I am FORTUNATE enough to have a job I can Crochet at when they are all in bed...shhhhhhhhhh..don't tell the boss..and I work this weekend, I can ACTUALLY crochet more at work than home..hehehe..and I believe it is because I can not get to the putor at work...lol

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Actually, the children may appreciate the comfortghans MORE after the chaos of Christmas is over. I think kids often get overstimulated when they get all their gifts at once, especially special needs kids.


Don't beat yourself up over this, plan to give them a really awsome midwinter gift to beat the after holiday blahs.

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