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Cool Video--football player who crochets

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is it me or what???? but it says "knitting" on the top of the video. lolol. by the way.... the way he hold his yarn is diferant than me. i usually hold mine....oh........ he's left handed, lolololol. that's why it looked weird for me, lololol. oh, boy, how dense am i????? lololol.

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That is SO cool! A big macho muscley guy who isn't scared to crochet! Awesome--thanks so much for that! I'm off to tell all my friends... :)

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that was neat, thanks for sharing it.


i too thought he was holding his yarn "funny" but i also know that there really is not "right or wrong" way. then i noticed towards then that his hook was in the "wrong" hand!

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I think it is great that real men aren't afraid to do something most concider "only for women" Remember when men wouldn't wear pink, Now they do and it looks good on them was well. If a man is comfortable with himself and who he is, then whoever he marries, she will be one lucky woman.



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Eeeeeek!!! :eek


Did you see how he finished his hat?!?! He BROKE the yarn about 4 inches from where he finished off!! Yikes!


(yes, I'll admit to breaking yarn myself when I didnt have any scissors handy, but I'm a big believer in leaving long tails to work in rather than stubby ones)


Altho, it's cool that he crochets, and from what I could tell he crochets very well, and I'm pretty sure that he was using Red Heart SS. (I just made a hat in the exact same colors for my cousin's daughter)


I seem to remember Rosie Greer and Lyle Alzado crocheted. (that might show how old I am...but I was a really little kid when they played)

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How neat!


For those with the lion brand newsletter, they had a YouTube video featuring "men who knit" .


I think it's awesome to see a big ol' football player crocheting, but I find it odd that every few months a major mag will feature men knitting and they always set it up as "NOOOO!!! Really?!?!?!" Just like a cooking magazine I saw that had a special on men cooking...and were floored that these guys could follow a recipe. I mean, isn't that condescending to men to say that everyone assumed they couldn't do it? I know we are all positive on it, but the media always sets it up as "This can't possibly be happening anywhere else! Too weird!"


Not that it doesn't rock and shouldn't be promoted b/c way too many guys think its "girl stuff." But how often do people have to be told before they realize it happens?

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I taught a couple of my boys to crochet. I just called in my 18 year old to show him the video. (He knows how to crochet but doesn't.) He laughed and said, "neat." Then later he said, "you find the weirdest things..."


Ha! Ha! Ha!

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