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Blasted picots! (Rant)

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Rant on.


Argh! It's the annual snowflake-a-thon around here. And while my least favorite stitch in general is the bullion, that at least is avoidable. But there are hardly any, if any at all, thread crochet snowflakes that don't rely on the blasted picot for adornment. Which slows me down immensely. I could do these in 15 minutes if not for the dratted thing.


Rant off.


Fa la la,


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I hated picots when I first tried a pattern with them...but I loved the way the pattern turned out so much that now I like doing the picots (but only in that pattern). :)


-- Michelle

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i know a few people replace picots with beads. i dont mind picots. i like the way they look so i guess i use that as justification.

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I don't mind them either if there are a few of them:wink. But, if I am doing a doily or something like that which has a lot of them:sigh...I agree- they can get old pretty fast:ohdear!!!

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I have to agree, I hate picots! :thumbdown If picot is in the name I won't make it. :yuck It is bad enought that just about every thread pattern there is incorporates the darn things but if picot is in the name you know you are going to be making the stupid things constantly. They slow me down big time.:(

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Yeah, picots are annoying little buggers. I tried my first snowflake recently, and after the first picot sat looking at it for 15 minutes trying to figure out if I could get away with skipping them. Ugh.

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:cheer If you are struggling with the Picot, just do a whatever the pattern tells you but instead of doing the SL ST into the CH, do it into the stitch at the base of the CH.

The other thing you can do is a SC, CH3 SC all into the same place.

Not quite as effective but much easier to do.

Hope this helps.

Have fun.


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I generally do what Aggie May does. I hate picots as well, So getting around them is my way to go. I know the pattern would look better doing it the right way, but sometimes my fingers/ brain just can't handle them. I do like the bead idea someone mentioned. I will have to try that. :)



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poor picots, everyone being less than kind to them, what did they ever do to you, well let me tell you lol i am with all of you, i am not a fan of them nor do i even like making them cause they seem so silly , but ohhh how beautiful they are when your done with your snow flake and have it blocked properly, the joy of seeing it sitting there twinkling in the lights(if you use glitter on them after your done like me, the beads also are a beautiful touch and especially when incorporated into the snow flake,




rant away my dear friends:devil :devil :devil :devil :devil

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I really don't mind making picots, And I love what they do for a piece.


But I do try an incorporate what I call the lazyman's picot ( what Aggie May describes in her post) in my designs where they will work, since I know most people don't like making picots. But there are places where a regular picot is the only thing that will look right or work.


They do get easier the more you make. It really does make you have a lot of respect for Irish Crochet, They used a ton of picots in their designs.

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the first time I did picots I was convinced that I did them wrong because I liked them! They seemed like a simple way to do a pretty little edge. I still like them. :) But I'm wierd.

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