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Why do people assume all I crochet are doillies?

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We relocated for my husband's work and I have been filling my non work-search time with crochet. When I explain to people what I do with my free time, I always get "oh, doillies and stuff right?". I mean, come on, it really drives me crazy. Doillies are nice and all but I feel like they think I have turned into a gramma! There are so many beautifull things people make as is evident from this site. Am I just too sensitive? Do any of you get this as well? :hook

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Yeah, I get that too. You aren't being oversensitive, they are just ignorant of all the stuff crochet is. I bet they've seen beautiful stuff and not realized it was crochet. People tend to see those gorgeous items in catalogs and think it is some form of knitting, and that crochet is only afgans and doilies.


My favorite response is to go "No, I tend to make (fill in the blank)" and tell them of the strangest stuff I've ever made. Such as an entire easter basket, complete with peeps and chocolate bunny, all hooked

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:hug I get this all the time. Thankfully I have friends and family around me that also enjoy the art of crochet.


When ever someone says "Oh, you mean doilies?" then I just smile and nod while they prattle on about how their grandmother's sister's aunt's nephew's grandfather twice removed used to crochet doilies. Then I show them a sample of whatever I'm working on and they are so surprised what you can do with a hook and some wool. Then again, I tend to bring a project everywhere with me since you never know when you'll find a spare moment in a day to work some stitches.

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I hear this alot to. I always take my tote with my yarn and things with me when I go anywhere and I get asked some really funny things. I was told once I was to old to be making doilies...... That was the nurse at the kids doctors. I am 40... So I dont know what she meant by this... I love to crochet all kinds of things and I am getting back into knitting also. I love working with the threads. I think it is funny when they say something like that... But then they ask me where did you buy that shrug or where can I find a sweater like that... I say you cant... I have to make it...... :devil

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if I may disagree somewhat - there is no reason why the general public should know a great deal about crochet. it is not as if the great unwashed know any more about knitting.


If I walk into an art gallery, I am going to be as ignorant of techniques and types as most people are of crochet.


If I walk into Best Buy I am as ignorant as a new born babe about most of the stuff in there. How many clerks have to roll their eyes when we don't even recognize a USB cable from a phone cable jack. (assuming this to be true :lol )


By any standards, crochet is as esoteric as paper quilling or cross stitch. I wouldn't expect people to recognize my quilling tool, why would I expect someone to know a hook from a needle or at all for that matter.


Maybe we should be grateful that they know you make doilies by crocheting. That is step one in the conversion process - that's where you can ...wait for it... hook 'em :rofl

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You do have a point Darski. I very rarely come across someone that does know something about crocheting even if they don't do it themselves. Most people I meet either know everything or nothing.


I have found that when people catch me crocheting in public, it does pique their interest enough to learn about it. Especially if it's not an afghan or a doily.


And you can call it pride of being a Hooker Mom, but my kids have the best hair and clothing accessories in their school. :hook I'm often being asked by their friends if I can make them some stuff.

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Good point Darski. .....hook 'em..... :lol :lol


Usually I'm asked, "what'r you making?"

I remember one time I was wearing a lovely shawl I'd made myself from an old pattern leaflet from the 70's that I can't even find anymore, and anyway, i was wearing outside in the break area at work, and someone said, "so what? you're turning into a grandma?" sheesh...

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If they ask you if you like making doilies, I consider that a compliment as doilies and thread/filet crochet are intricate and beautiful! I haven't had anyone ask me about these in particular, just usually they'll ask what I'm making. Or some say that they used to do that and it relaxed them or they enjoyed it or would like to learn, with an envious look in their eye. I just tell them it's easy to get started or get back into it and maybe I get them over to the dark side with us!


I've taught my MIL to do basic crochet and got my SIL back into knitting (she knitted as a child), so people are usually envious rather than looking down on it. If they look down on it, I don't really care about opinions anyhow since I do this for my own pleasure. If anyone does take a derisive tone with you, just tell them hey, it's easy to begin, cheap (well, it can be :) ), it's not illegal/immoral/fattening or offensive to anyone, and it's more constructive than a lot of hobbies. Nobody can argue with that!

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I just tell them it's easy to get started or get back into it and maybe I get them over to the dark side with us!


... If they look down on it, I don't really care about opinions anyhow since I do this for my own pleasure. If anyone does take a derisive tone with you, just tell them hey, it's easy to begin, cheap (well, it can be :) ), it's not illegal/immoral/fattening or offensive to anyone, and it's more constructive than a lot of hobbies. Nobody can argue with that!


Good one! I like this response.


however we should strive to be honest... Do you believe this to be true?


it's easy to ... cheap (well, it can be :) ),




That first skein and hook may end up costing you your coffee money for all eternity if you come to the Ville.

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I like this thread...


I don't think anyone on here was assuming the general public should know anything at all about crochet- it's just that some of us find it odd that people approach you assuming that they do. I love doilies etc, so it's not that I'm insulted at the idea of making one, it's just weird that people act like they know what you're doing and then start to mock you for it.


As in, if you saw a woman with a table saw and a piece of wood, you would never go up to her and say "what are ya making, a baby carriage? What, are you a grandma now?" yet people will act that way around us hookers. It's more a matter of tone, I suppose.


Sorry, this one is a sore point with me I guess. That's why Crochetville is great- it's the misunderstood sisterhood (and brotherhood too :) )

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