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OK so quick question.....

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I know that you are not supposed to post copyrighted stuff on here and I get that, but a long long time ago my grandmother made me and my sister stockings. They are a gingerbread girl and gingerbread boy and ooohhhh so adorable. Now that I have kids I wanted to make some for my kids but I have been looking all over for the pattern that she used (both in her stash of patterns that I inhereted when she passed and online) but I have been unable to find it. So I took my stocking and made up a pattern is this copyright infingement? I know its not exactly the same as the pattern she used...and the other question is if its ok to post the pattern up I am going to need some pattern testers seens how I have never written a pattern before and I just dont have time at this point in the christmas season to be making stockings along with all the other christmas projects I have going! Ok enough rambling THANKS ladies!!!

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As I understand it no, that's not copyright infringement. If you were taking her written pattern or the pattern she used and selling it or claiming it as your own, that's different. You can't copyright inspiration. It sounds like you've been inspired :) I'd love to see pics when you get them done :)

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