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We need a crochet rant section...

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Arg!!! :rant A guy friend of mine wants "gaming gloves" that also work as outdoor gloves. He lives in canada and it's like -39 degree C. and apperently almost that Farenheit also! So I want to make him something warm for his hands so he won't absolutly freeze going to the transit for work in the morning. However, what he wants requires me to make up my own pattern. Oh nooo. Can't have something with a pattern already made. "That has no thumb." "The palm is too thick for the mouse." "But I want fingers." "No, covering just to the first joint isn't good enough, I want fingers."


I have never even made mittens before!! Let alone gloves. But no. "I have faith in you." Well, buddy, I have frogged at least 10 different ideas in the last hour so you're the only one! :bang


It's not that I don't figure I can do it. After all, how hard can it be? (And if it is hard, I want to hear none of it and live in my little lies! :lol) But right now.... grrrrrr..... If he lived closer to me, I'd give him a mouthful.:tryme And of course, he requests these in December, the month of me franticlly trying to finish all the Christmas gifts I have to do. :smiling Why not in Jan.?!?! I'm sure it's just as freezing up there in that month as it is now.



And to finish... grrrr.... grrrr.... grrr....






Ok.... I'm better now. :)

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I think if he keeps pestering me about it I will make those! And thankfully I'm in the states while he's up there so he'd get such pretty gloves and no me in sight to get upset at. :devil



He, however, is proving to me that I am NEVER EVER EVER vollenteering to make someone something again. Next time, their fingers can just stay cold for all I care! :snow

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How 'bout http://www.crochetandknitting.com/mittglov.htm and then just make the fingers longer??? That would let you follow the pattern (which I have done and works up really quickly & easily) and the only difference would be that instead of stopping each finger when it's written, you'd do a few more rounds, working even, before stopping.



OH!! And if he's got long fingers, I'd suggest going up one hook size...I had to do that for my DH...

Good luck!!




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Jessie--That pattern is absoltuly perfect! Well, with a couple of minor changes. But minor changes are so much easier than sitting down with a huge ball of yarn and trying to go at it with nothing! :hug:hug:hug

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Good luck on this one! I was just going to go out looking for a half finger glove pattern for you and Jessie beat me to it. Brilliantly done, btw.


May your hook be lucky and your friend shower you with praises (and chocolate) for doing this for him. You're a better person than I to have stuck with it through 10 froggings :)

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:hug I feel your pain. Although it's not that cold here in Canada (at least in my part of the country).


My youngest daughter (4) is just as picky. She wants me to make her a pink sweater. So I found a nice pattern and started working on it. She didn't like the sweater because it was too bumpy, and the next one had stripes, then the problem was pockets, then she wanted stripes. Finally, I gave up and made her a pink and white heart afghan quilt for her dolls with a matching pillow.


As long as your friend doesn't know how to read patterns or visit crochet sites, I'm sure you can get away with following a pattern. ;)


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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If he could read a pattern I'd be extremely surprised! And scared really. There would be a shift in the natural balance of things. The next thing I would know is that the sky would turn purple and trees would start making cheese instead of fruit.


I acutally showed him the pattern and told him flat out that's what I was doing and what I was going to change to accomidate him. And he still wanted to know exactly how long I was going to make the thumb of it! My exact reply "As long as I want."


I adore the guy to death but the next time I have him make my computer better I am going to be doing the same thing. And just tell him to be changing all this stuff! Show him what it's like.



Although, those lacy ones are still very tempting to make him! :lol

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well, you COULD make both pairs (I know it may be a stretch to do both w/ Christmas being so close) but send the 1st pair like 1 day ahead of the real pair.....hehe. and if possible, send them to him where he will be surrounded by others....like, hmmm.....at work maybe??:devil :devil then send the real pair like the next day.... w/ an "oh OOPS!! i put the wrong pair in the other box.....hope it didn't embarrass you too much" :devil


Sandy (who is VERY mischievious at times :D)

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