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Pattern Tested

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Tater had such a hard time. After we adopted him he was so so sick and went to the vet for shots and IVs every day. He is still conjested and his nose gets really crusty. We're always trying to wash it and remove the crust so he can breath. Last night we washed his face and then put him in the bathroom for a steam bath. It helped, but when I took him out, the crust was gone and he was breathing, but his tender little nose was bleeding.


This is the most affectionate cat I have ever met. He will literally lie on my lap for hours and just hug me and snuggle into me.


After the steam, I didn't want to take him out into the cold, but he climbed into the bag and snuggled up on my lap. When my legs fell asleep (he's heavy), I put the bag on the floor, and he just curled up inside the pocket. :)

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