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My yarn addiction has spiralled me into depression...

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/\I am so glad that I am in such good company, :clap I had over 25 18 gal tubs all categorized in a notebook with little pieces of yarn to show what was in each tub, this my DH put in the attic for me, I could look at the book and see what yarn I had and decide which yarn for what pattern, BUT I couldn't touch it feel the power of the yarn.:manyheart the call to make something with it, so my DH made shelves and more shelves in our downstairs, We have a large 3 story beach home that has the main living area on the second floor, a view room is the 3rd, and a couple of bedrooms laundry room (bath room, and garage on the ground floor. He got a Huge Closet type thing from some one, and made shelves in it for me. My stash is Huge my patterns all most as big I am making lots of presents for all of my daughters, and grandchildren, so I won't be depressed right now.:cheer

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