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god...may i be buried in yarn, amen

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so after all of those black friday sales between the joanns coupons, michaels coupons and beverly's (a small local craft store) i have so much more now and my measley closet for my crafts is exploding. i have 2 large cloth covered baskets for my WIP and soon to be WIP and both are now overflowing with not just the WIP but all the yarn that refused to fit in my closet organizers. i need to go in and pull out everything and organize/catagorize/prioritize and put it back into all my cubies/totes/hooks/rubbermaids. since i am home alone i am praying to god nothing goes wrong and my obituary wont say "DH found her buried under a yarn avalanche and could not revive her" so to all those who sympathize, wish me luck

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I can relate! I too have two WIP baskets covered with a towel. I cleaned them out and put the yarn and destined to be never completed wips in a plastic zip storage bag thingy that I got at the dollar store....I added a couple of yankee candle cakes to make my yarn smell yummy!


definitely now a tidy corner...till next weekend! :hook


So glad to hear I'm not alone.

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Oh I just had to say that the subject line of your post was a real attention getter. I had a good laugh. Then I read your post and had another good laugh. Oh, sounds so much like me!.



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Mine isn't nearly that bad yet! However, I think if I keep coming to this site it will be! :lol I went to jo-ann's the other day and bought $72 worth of yarn basically. Most for gifts and such but some "just because I like the color" and some "But... it's on sale!" Thank the lord for sales or else that huge amount would have been so much more. I bought two mesh square things to keep all the yarn I bought in but apperently it just barely fits the yarn I bought. And doesn't fit the yarn I bought a few weeks ago or any WIPS! Those are conveniently stashed.... everywhere.


And all of this yarn isn't even counting all of the WIPS and yarn I have in one of those HUGE plastic tubs back in KY. Good thing I warned my fiancee already about my small addiction of buying yarn now. :haha


But whenever he complains now I can say. "Yeah, well this is a very small stash compared to some of the people on the 'Ville!" :lol

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This sooo reminds me of me. I have a wardrobe filled to capacity with yarn. Two 150 litre tubs, and several bags laying around of yarn. I went to the cupboard yesterday to pull out some scrap yarn to make my ripple with and stacks just fell down onto me! I really need to get some organisation in that cupboard, I just don't know where to start.

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LOL, I can so relate! When some friends helped me move recently, one asked me "what's in there?" gesturing toward a HUGE duffle bag...



"What's in here?" (said while picking up a large Rubbermaid bin)

"Um, more yarn. Hey, at least it's not heavy."

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:rofl Love this post!!!


I got ALL my yarn out the other day (except the WIP yarn - didn't want to mess with that) and spread it on the floor just to look at it and feel it (anybody else ever do that??? or is it just me??). My DD walked in (she's 14) and said "You have a problem". She was soooo serious. I just said "What problem - I don't see a problem" and went back to feeling of my yarn.


THEN I tried to stuff it all back in it's hiding (oops - I mean organized designated) place and NOW I have a problem.:lol

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Ooooh my, I get so jealous when I read about people's yarn stashes! Currently trying to eliminate mine for space reasons, but being buried in yarn sounds like the perfect way to go. Can I crochet a cremation urn cover? Is there a pattern for that?


Favorite crochet quote from bf: "I bet you could make an entire city of yarn. But it would be very soft..."

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i really really love my collection of yarn. i am coming to terms with that being what it is a collection. because anyone who colects stamps will tell you, you buy them with the intent of never using them for the actul intended purpose, but instead to admire (and pet in my case) them for your own personal reasons. atleast stamps take up less space in our small apt. but hubby cant complain his hobby is computer stuff and takes up FAR more space and spends a lot more money so for now he lets it all slide

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