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MY crochet day..MAYBE..

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So today I have off work, and had PLANNED on finishing my big reveal for my Holiday exchange partner, well, my hubby is home sick :blush , BUT he promised to stay away from me, okay fine. So now this cat of ours wants to be my NEW best friend..she keeps running off with my ball of yarn, not once, not twice but 6 times now!! I am ready to lock her in the bedroom with sick hubby..:devil ..mind you this cat doesn't usually come around me, but oh no, not today...:think

Well, I am going to work on it for a couple more hours, then I have to run to the post ofiice to get some squares out for comfortghans, to the store and back home to see how this house is going...lol...

PLEASE wish me luck!!!:hook

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Oh JoAnn! LOL Sorry, but I did have to chuckle about the cat, my cats are always after my yarn everythime I am trying to work on a project.


Good luck with getting your project finished and nothing else goes wrong for your day off. :D

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glad to hear the furbaby decided to let Mama hook!! I know my cat couldn't care less about my yarn unless it's where he wants to lay down...he has been known to curl himself up just inside a bag filled with yarn...and he always gives me THE LOOK when I take up too much room on the couch with my project stuff...it's that feline look that so clearly says "uh, Ma...ya want to move your stuff, or should I do it..." LOL!!:D


Now, my DD's are another matter entirely...any time they let me get nice & settled into any project, it's like they just wait for me to be comfy and focused on the project before turning into yelling spawn that need my attention RIGHT NOW!!! :lol Which is why I only work on little things when they're awake and keep the big stuff for when they're in bed!!;)



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I do most, (not all) of my crocheting in my bedroom and lock the cats out. I have two fabulous felines. However my spoiled rotten dog likes to lie on the bed while I crochet.

Last night she got my yarn wrapped around her hind leg and I had to chase her all over the room trying to get it off!! LOL! Pets are great, but they just don't understand crochet.


Happy Crocheting,


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:c9 I finished the "project" for my holiday swap partner!! Whew, do I feel a HUGE sence of relief! I am sooooooooooooooo excited!! Thank you all for your words of encouragement and ideas, the thing was, I couldnt lock myself in the bedroom to keep the cat away, because the sick hubby was in there...so now I have my BIG one done...shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..I can't tell what it is, but I sure hope she loves it, because I do...:hook

:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

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One of my cats loves to sit on my lap when I crochet, but he doesn't bother my yarn...just likes to have a quiet lap! I'm glad you were successful, even with the little "helper."

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