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Do you wash your gifts before you give them?

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It depends, sometimes I do sometimes I don't the deciding factor is who is getting it and what type of yarn I used as well. If I make something out of RH then almost always I do, it feels so nasty until its washed.

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I usually don't wash an item, unless I already know what detergent the recipient uses. There are so many skin issues in my family, that I know that just having a different soap used on something can cause a reaction...and some folks, if you tell them you already washed it, won't wash it themselves before wearing/using it. So, I usually just finish the item and tell them that it will be softer & less stiff once it's washed, but that I didn't know which detergent they use. Never had anyone complain about it.



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I wash things I give away after I first take a magnifying glass and scan the entire surface for Franklin hairs--my cat loves to shed all over my projects :lol --no matter how careful I am, his fur still manages to get on them.

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I dont usually, although I washed swap items when I found out my partner had an allery to cat hair, and I am washing my wool mix Christmas presents because they smell 'sheepy' lol

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I don't pre-wash, partly because people react differently to different detergent and partly b/c I'm in an apartment building with no working washer/dryers. Hauling laundry to the laundromat is such a pain when you can't drive in the dark, so I usually don't bring along projects that need to be washed by themselves.

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Seriously?? Red Heart is capable of becoming soft?? I've got so many skeins of it but never considered using it for clothing items because it's so harsh and scratchy and bad for my skin.


And I have never washed anything I've crocheted...I've been afraid that if I do, it will ruin the gift/project. Does it all need to be done by hand?

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Seriously?? Red Heart is capable of becoming soft?? I've got so many skeins of it but never considered using it for clothing items because it's so harsh and scratchy and bad for my skin.


And I have never washed anything I've crocheted...I've been afraid that if I do, it will ruin the gift/project. Does it all need to be done by hand?


Red Heart will soften if you wash it, or even if you just toss it in the dryer with some towels and a dryer sheet (you dont always need the dryer sheet)

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I agree, Red Heart REALLY does soften up quite a bit actually, once you wash it. Its like there's this "coating" on it or something. And I find that the more you wash it, the softer it gets. Toss it in the washer, and right into the dryer. Voila' ! Thats one of the best things about RH. Very durable in the washer and dryer. Great for kid stuff like hats, mittens, sweaters. It will hold up to just about anything my kids put it through. And it washes clean! :)


I'm a smoker too, so at the very least, I toss it into the dryer with a softener sheet. And I too toss a dryer sheet into the package with the item. Never once had anyone complain.

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