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Skein trouble...

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So, I've been making scarf after scarf trying to get my list done in time for me to not have to rush through at the last minute. Since I'm running on a budget here I've been doing the one skein scarf which until today was working perfectly. I've completed 3 so far and was planning on the 4th being done today...or not. On the other 3 I completed the scarf and still had plenty of yarn left over. This one I got through the whole scarf and almost all the edging and then ran out of yarn. So now I have to go buy a whole new skein and barely use any of it. Does this happen often? I used the same pattern, the same brand and everything of yarn (just a different color), and the same size hooks. So why is it that this one came up short? I don't mean to be complaining about such a trivial subject, but that's another 6-7 dollars I'm going to have to take out of my christmas budget for hardly any yarn. Thanks for listening!

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could you pull back the edging and do it in another colour? surely you have something in your stash to come to the rescue? I've seen a few threads recently where the yarns are same brands and such but different colours and the results are dramatically different. One such thread was called something like "to frog or not to frog" and the blanket looks gorgeous, but the white is much chunkier than the mulberry colours, and the pink finer than them all!

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I have had a similar question. When I'm making dish clothes, I use the same brand of cotton yarn and one color can give me two dish clothes while another color (same brand) can only make just one. Someone thought that it could be the amount of dye that they used to make the yarn and ultimately added to the weight of the yarn. So the skeins are still the same weight but different lengths of yarn. I don't know if I'm correct but that is my assumption. :think It is still very irritating. :no

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Hmmm, just a thought - could you have gotten a returned skein? One that someone used a little bit? I have returned yarn twice (and no, I didn't use any of it!) due to color problems and they somehow count the wraps of yarn on the end of the skein to try and tell if someone had removed some. I immediately thought I could have taken some from the middle and no one would know - until they ran short while using it!

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thats very possible, another thing it could have been is when they were winding the yarn into the ball, tha machine cut it off before the actual weight was,. i have found lots of skeins of yarn that do this, even have had one that the yarn every 3 feet was cut, try making something out of that, i would contact the yarn manufacture especially since your on such a tight budget andask them to send you another skein, tell them what happened and maybe they will:hug :hug

Hmmm, just a thought - could you have gotten a returned skein? One that someone used a little bit? I have returned yarn twice (and no, I didn't use any of it!) due to color problems and they somehow count the wraps of yarn on the end of the skein to try and tell if someone had removed some. I immediately thought I could have taken some from the middle and no one would know - until they ran short while using it!

ask t

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what kind was it, if i have some i will send it to you for you to finish, or maybe ask for someone to match it(in the buy /sell/trade section with enough of the yarn to finish the scarf. good luck hon:manyheart :manyheart

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i might have some of that, let me look tomorrow and i will let you know if i do but i am pretty sure i do, if not maybe someone else does, you could post it in the buy /sell/trade section. alot of people do that, but wait and i will see if i have it tomorrow or might be monday as i need to actually go through some boxes to find it, i will let ya know though either way:manyheart

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That has happened to me before, too. I was doing a double-stranded afghan with Red Heart, started with two new skeins (Aspen Print), and one skein ran out well before the other one did. Weird.


If Vicki doesn't have it, someone else is bound to (it's a popular color) and will surely be kind enough to send you a few yards. I would definitely follow through on that before buying a whole 'nother skein.

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Aways check the gage. If it's listed in the pattern, try to match it as close as possible. When I buy yarn for a project, I always check my stash for scraps of the same color or something that goes with it. If I run out of yarn, I can make the border in a contrast color.

Ellie 13

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I spoke with a woman this last weekend about making some things for her to put out in her shop on consignment. While discussing a way for customers to know what colors an item might be available in, I told her that I could go to the maker's website and print out the colors. She suggested that I just go to the shop where I buy the yarn and ask if they would give me just a teensy bit of each color. I gasped! I said that I would be very angry if I was making something that took pretty much one entire skein of yarn (many hats I make do) and found out that I was about 8" short because someone had done that. She said that she sees it done all the time. I'm appalled. What if several employees happened to take a sample from the same skein before it was sold? I just think that's wrong. If I'm trying to match something, I do my best to bring the item in or find something close in color to bring in and compare, but I would never in a million years expect them to chop a piece from a skein of yarn. I'd much rather have a swatch card (which I just found out I can get for this particular yarn). Sure, it might be an extra cost, but why should someone else have to be shortchanged because I want a piece of yarn? Sorry if this turned into a bit of a rant, but I just wondered if that might have been the case for you.

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I am in the process of making a afghan for my sister. Black and white 12 in squares. The first black square I crocheted I used one 2.5 oz skein of Sugar'n'cream cotton 4 ply yarn. That was so far out of three more the only one that took only the 2.5 ozs. The other three needed extra. Thankfully, I bought extra cotton in that color. I will need 8 total in that color, and then 7 in white. I only bought extra to make the kitty cats appliques with. Now I will wait til I have all 8 squares finished to see if I have enough yarn to finish the cats in black or will it need to be in white.



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Maaaannn,,,I had that happen on a baby sweater I was making.I git half of the last sleeve done, and ran out. Sadly,,,,that yarn could not be found again anywhere! So, I get the great privelage of frogging the sweater,,,,,,,<sigh>!

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