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Someone liked my idea for shawls

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Don't go showing me this stuff I WANT, my Credit card is MAXED out...:eek I don't know how that happened.:think

Must have been my 16 year old son and his darned X-Box crap,,I am ALWAYS having to buy hiom new controlers and such....geez, that would be a GREAT book to buy too...:hug

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I saw this in the bookstore a few weeks ago--lovely patterns!


<SIGH> Adding it to the list of things for 2007, behind the list of things for 2006 that never got finished, and one item hanging around from 2005 that is still not done...


Procrastinatin' Patty


didn't you know that to really qualify as a procrastinator you have to have a list from 1995. 2005 just makes you a wanabee at best ... :devil:lol

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didn't you know that to really qualify as a procrastinator you have to have a list from 1995. 2005 just makes you a wanabee at best ... :devil:lol

yeah!! i finally made a list!!!

i am one bad procrastinator! the problem is there's always another pattern to try...

i get bored so easily:P

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I just put that in my Amazon wish list, and I hope my dad or my sister will notice it there. I doubt my dad will get it for me tho... emailing the direct link to the book and giving him instructions on how to order is usually too complicated for him...


I better ask him for a gift certificate.

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One thing I know about making shawls from doilies (I have done it) is that not every pattern is going to work.


I personally wouldn't want one with holes that are too large and so don't provide coverage... or worse yet, catch rings and fingers.


I guess it is all about trying and learning what will work. This technique- if not the book - is still on my list of things to do because I love doilies and can't do thread. This is my outlet for my doily passion

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Ooh! I saw this book too! and immediately thought about the threads here on the same subject... and then thought about the jackalopes at "what not to crochet" going "ewww, it's like she's totally wearing a DOILY, gag me!" and then I realized that a) I don't wear shawls and b) I've got a pile of Nihon Vogue doily books... and while we're on this runaway train of thought... if you have an open lacy pattern, you can fold it in half and then do some kind of edging to make it a semicircular shawl (like a calzone). My mom has an old one made of lace weight with a very open pattern, but since its doubled it's deceptively warm.

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Ok I bought this book and it's not doily patterns made into shawls. It it a book written about adapting parts of doily patterns for yarn weight shawls, a couple of tops, a skirt, and a dress. Some are great and some aren't but if you read what she has to say, you learn something about design.


I'll be making at least 3 things from this book and will use what I learn to design a few of my own.

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I have the book too, & I like most of the patterns in there. :c9

It was a great idea you had darski!! :hook


If anything, it opened up tons of possibilities for me! :yes

Its got my mind work'n overtime!! :think

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how ironic that you mention this book...i was ordering video games for my son from Amazon.com...and when I went to my shopping cart.....this book was already in there!! aahhaha! I must have been browsing a while ago and plopped the book in the cart and never checked out! At any rate, it is already on its way to me!!!!!! Wonder if I will like it?

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I saw this book and was curious if it was just like making giant doilies, in which case I wasn't interested. But if it's using lace and actually shaping it...


*covers ears and chants "I don't need another pattern book, I don't need another pattern book..."*

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when I saw your post, I was thinking taking small doilies and connecting them into the larger shape (which, might could be done....and look nice, w/ right patterns). I'm not too into the big holes that the front cover shows. I want warmth and/or cozy comfort :D



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I agree eyrthmother1, I look for that sort of thing when considering patterns that will or will not work. Lacy can work but not gaping holes. If you get to a chain 5 in a ww yarn, you need to think about it.


Now there are some who don't need warm - that is a whole other ball game.

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