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A New Crochetville T-Shirt?

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Today we went for a drive in the mountains. (Something my hubby likes to do.) We drove all the way to Breckenridge. (I've never been there before; it's beautiful!) Well I brought along a baby afghan I need to get done. The last place I remember seeing my crochet hook was when we stopped to go to the bathroom at a 7-11 (I think) in Breckenridge. I think when I got out of the car, it must have fell on the ground. I can't find it anywhere.:grumpy


Over dinner my husband said something likwe, 'Do you like Breckenridge?' I said 'I think I left my crochet hook in Breckenridge'. :( My husband said 'They should make a Crochetville T-shirt out of that-'I left my Crochet Hook in Breckenridge'." :lol




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:yes You could tell where it had been/is cold, the lakes/ponds had ice, and one even had snow all over it. Then lower down they were all clear. It is soooo beautiful up there! :dreaming Some parts on the rocks where water was coming out, it had frozen it was soo cool looking! And we saw about ten Big Horn Sheep right on the side of the highway, we pulled over and they all just stood there and looked at us. I bet if I had rolled the window down and stuck my hand out, one would have just come up to me.


By the way I found my crochet hook! :hook


Was it cold up there today?
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:yes You could tell where it had been/is cold, the lakes/ponds had ice, and one even had snow all over it. Then lower down they were all clear. It is soooo beautiful up there! :dreaming Some parts on the rocks where water was coming out, it had frozen it was soo cool looking! And we saw about ten Big Horn Sheep right on the side of the highway, we pulled over and they all just stood there and looked at us. I bet if I had rolled the window down and stuck my hand out, one would have just come up to me.


By the way I found my crochet hook! :hook


it sounds just beautiful! if you had pics to share i'd be lookin :)


and yay about the hook!! lol

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I know this is corny... but I carry a spare set of my fav hook sizes in the glove box......and ( how sick is this)... an extra cat's tongue for my computer in case my wears out or falls off when we travel.... its the important stuff that matters don't you know :D

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You are so fortunate to live in Colorado and to be able to visit the beautiful Rockies whenever you want. I would gladly sacrifice a crochet hook to take a drive in those mountains! We visited Colorado last year and of all the places we've traveled, this is truly our favorite state. Mountains, desert, rock formations, canyons,...you have it all!:c9

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That would make a nice slogan! I'm so glad you found your crochet hook. What a relief, huh? Such a pain when you need it to work on something. Was it on the floor of the car?

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as funny as i'm sure it wasn't when he said it...he is right...i'm sure whoever comes up with those shirts would make tons of money....i lost my hook in the doctors office once and went directly to walmart to buy another one after i left...i even had the staff lookin for my hook...needless to say they found it...it had fell in the trash

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Was it on the floor of the car?


:yes Yup. I asked the kids to look; but nooooooooo.... :blush It was on the other side, by the car seat... At least I found it. I could just go get another one, but I'm sick of losing hooks...


I should have taken my camera. I could have gotten some awesome pictures; I would have drove my husband batty though... 'Oh! Stop! I have to take a picture...' (I have done that before, too.) The Big Horn Sheep were about three feet away from us on the side of the road; that would have been a good time to have my camera!



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Well, he could of started singing I left my heart in San Francisco and changed the name to Breckenridge.:rofl :rofl

Sorry about the hook. I am forever dropping mine down the couch. I would buy a t-shirt. How about where did the hook drop?

:scrachin Sounds like a good graph for another bag.:hook

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