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No Place Like Home (Crochetville)!

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classic crochet, that is one beautiful afghan! I love anything Aran, especially sweaters. I just hope it doesn't take me as long to learn how to make knitted cables as it did crochet cables :lol. Silly me...I always dive into something new feet first, and try to master the hardest thing first and worry about basic stuff later :think. My bad :D

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I think knitting is easier simply because you only have 2 stitches. You cross them to make cables, with crochet you can make so many different stitches. If you can crochet you most definitely can knit. I like a challenge ,too :lol I am sure in no time you will be knitting as beautifuly as you crochet!

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it sounds like we could begin a new ...thread?...whatever...and call it "shhhh...knitting spoken here":devil

i'm going to see if i remember how to knit: my former neighbor taught me years ago. i get bored so easily...and am always looking for a new challenge:P

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I can knit, but I'm too much of an instant gratification person to knit for long periods of time...that is why I got the knitting machine by Bond.


If you use your 40% off coupon at either Hobby Lobby, JoAnn's or Michael's, you will only spend about $100 compared to the $250 I spent a loong time ago retail.


And yes, I used to go the the about.com forum too (as mamabeth00), but they changed their format and when I accidentally ended up here, I didn't start getting involved until much later, but when I did I just coudln't stop!!


Go Crochetville!!

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I can knit, but I'm too much of an instant gratification person to knit for long periods of time...that is why I got the knitting machine by Bond.

with me it's not the speed with which i make anything - though i do love seeing my creation as it emerges:) - it's more the act of crocheting itself. it's truly a meditative act for me - better than xanax most of the time:D . i'm hoping that if i get good enough to relax when knitting it'll have the same effect on my life: give me the joy of creating along with the benefits of the meditative quality of the act itself.:manyheart

...i'll bet i'm clear as mud here...:P

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I learned crochet first all self-taught. But when we lived on the mainland and Germany I really wanted to learn to knit too. I had a book and taught myself to knit. :knit I didn't know it at the time but it was the American method. Sorry, but I got really bored and had no patience for it. So I stopped. Then when my dh got stationed in Germany (he was in the Army) I met some british ladies who showed me the Continental way. And I was hooked:hook. It's alot faster and easier and more fun. But I still love crochet more. I was wondering, which way do most of you knit ?

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I have just recently learned the continental method - over the last year but I have to admit that my hands automatically go to Continental now. But nothing is as fast a crochet so it continues to be my first love as well.


Although I think knowing both helps you with either.

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Huh? There are TWO forms of knitting? Okay...I'm confused. :think


There are more than 2. It just depends on what you are comfortable with. http://www.knittinghelp.com/knitting/basic_techniques/knit.php

Above link has videos. Whatever works for you is what's best! :yes Don't stress to much, this should be fun and you will find what works for you.

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Ahhhh - - so nice to be home. :manyheart I was at my DB and his lovely wife's (:( )for the holiday - no computer access :eek , but I did finish his Christmas afghan and her doily while there (left them to save shipping :devil - they are in Montana and I'm in Colorado). I learned to knit from my Great-Grandmother when I was a toddler (yes really). She used to visit us from Denmark so I learned the continental method. The American method, with all the yarn throwing, just seems so slow to me. Anyone can pm me with any knitting questions and I'll sure try to help! :hook

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I agree with and second all the sentiments expressed. I don't have any friends who share my passion for crochet. No sisters or cousins and my mom is in Jamaica. I try to log on to the 'ville every chance I get..there's just so much support and comradarie here, it's unbelievable. It does feel like home. I feel like clicking my heels..:yes:hug

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I don't know about the rest of ya, but I think that no only is this forum full of nice people but also that it brings out the nicer person in all of us! I know I am a much nicer person on here than I come across in "real" life. :devil

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***edited by request of moderator***


this forum is great. i do have to agree with you


i have a membership at craftster.org and it's a bit catty over there.


if you have myspace check out this knitting/crochet group. i'm a member there and i'm really close friends with a lot of the members. they're such a great group of knitters. there are a few hookers, but the numbers aren't very high. but everyone is willing to help, give encouragement, and celebrate triumphs and comfort you when you're down.

i really love that group!

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I agree with and second all the sentiments expressed. I don't have any friends who share my passion for crochet. No sisters or cousins and my mom is in Jamaica. I try to log on to the 'ville every chance I get..there's just so much support and comradarie here, it's unbelievable. It does feel like home. I feel like clicking my heels..:yes:hug


I agree. I have virtually no one to help me or cheer me on and come here all day long while I am at work (no access at home:cry) I'm sure my bosses are sick of seeing me on here all the time. I'm constantly listening to see if they are gonna walk past and see me here instead of working :blush


I love you all so much!!:hug:flower:manyheart

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Sennight, I do the same at work-you should see me frantically try to click on something else when I hear my boss coming down the corridor :devil


:rofl That is so true!:yes I have a trick I use with Linux (my operating system instead of Windows) I can hold Alt and press Tab to switch between my open applications. It brings up a little box of everything and you use Tab to move between them while always holding Alt. I dunno if it works with Windows but it is much MUCH faster than trying to click - I know - I worked it out the hard way when I got busted one day and then one of the other IT staff showed me that little trick!!!! :devil:woo


Give it a try - I'm almost positive that it does work. :hook:hug

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:rofl That is so true!:yes I have a trick I use with Linux (my operating system instead of Windows) I can hold Alt and press Tab to switch between my open applications. It brings up a little box of everything and you use Tab to move between them while always holding Alt. I dunno if it works with Windows but it is much MUCH faster than trying to click - I know - I worked it out the hard way when I got busted one day and then one of the other IT staff showed me that little trick!!!! :devil:woo


Give it a try - I'm almost positive that it does work. :hook:hug

the alt-tab thing works in windows too :) just be warned the bosses who track internet happenings through the server. I got busted playing Neopets that way :rofl

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Just a word to the wise...

this might just be up there with copyright violation if you encourage others to do this. it might be construed as fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud by an employer who wanted to play hardball.

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Just a word to the wise...

this might just be up there with copyright violation if you encourage others to do this. it might be construed as fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud by an employer who wanted to play hardball.


:eekI'm sorry but this has really comfused me. How?:think Could you please explain??

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:eekI'm sorry but this has really comfused me. How?:think Could you please explain??

Basically, an employer pays you to work. If you aren't working but still getting paid it is very much considered fraud. Say for example you went home an hour early one night, but still lodged your time-sheet with your regular 5x8hr shifts (rather than 4x8 hr 1x7hr) you can be in a lot of trouble as you have "deliberately" committed fraud. Basically, you lied and in doing so were paid for time that wasn't yours, and you knew you were doing it. Some places make you take off hours or partial hours for every time you leave the office!! (like to go buy a snack, have a smoke etc, everytime you leave the office you are on their time they don't have to pay you for). Not sure how the enouraging others thing works though

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If an employer is paying you to do work and you surf the net for private reasons then he can claim you defrauded him by taking time that is his. If you have carte blanche to do as you wish in your job description that is a differnet matter.


If you tell/ask other people how to cheat on work time it is conspiracy to commit fraud as above. Like I said, this is only a hardball case but would you be willing to bet the rent money on this going your way in court?


And they said I wasted all those years watching Law and Order :lol

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