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No Place Like Home (Crochetville)!

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Okay...I had some extra time to blow the past few days and decided to pay Drop Designs a thorough visit (all patterns), which inspired me to pick up one of my four sets of knitting needles and a beginners knitting book. Basic knit and purl is all I know...So, I decide to join a knitting forum for help and answers to any of the many questions I have. Nice forum, BUT...I would like to take this moment to "GIVE THANKS" to Crochetville and all members for being soooooo kind and helpful with my crochet endeavors, CUZ I CAN'T SEEM TO GET ANY HELP WITH THE KNITTING THING!!!! Perhaps I have been "spoiled" at the Ville. My husband says I am "comparing" other forums with Crochetville. I guess I am! AND WITH GOOD REASON! There's no place like home, and my home is here.



I am thankful for


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I also have been to other forums. Infact, I was a member someplace else and didn't like the I know more than you attitude. That is why I went on a search and found Crochetville.

By the way, there are a few of us knitters here:eek (shhhhhhhhhhhh) and we can help.

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I like this thread! I'm glad you all feel so at home here, and it's really a testimony to all of our wonderful members. :cheer


(Ssshhhh, don't tell anybody, but I'm a knitter, too, now, finally! I'm knitting lots of socks as Christmas presents this year. :devil)

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Id have to agree that this place is like no other forum. I just wish there was a knittingville too


We should put that on our Christmas wish list:sheepxmas


it would have to be all these same people of course. We have lots by the look of that poll we took.


Smile and play nice if Amy comes by ok :ghug:gift

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Crochetville is like having extended family and friends.....we all share and help one another, swap, CAL's as if we lived next door, do RAOK's, visit and chat with one another, participate in charities....and everyone is so friendly! The kindness that I have seen, is just so awesome and a way of life for C'Ville Villagers. What a family this has become! I'm proud to be a part of it.......and I love it here. Home Sweet Home!


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I have never been a member of another forum, and quite frankly I don't feel the need. If I was sewing and needed to know how to hem I'd go ask in the off topic forum as I know more than on person here could help me out. Thanks Giving cries of help were testimonial to that!! I'm sure Janet's pumpkin pies wouldn't have turned out too well with the wrong kind of milk.. but everyone here came to her rescue! In dreamland it would be nice if we had more topics, but we really don't need them. We have the people :):ghug I never in my wildest dreams expected to become so addicted to this place or it's people! I email 5-6 people every few days, all that I've met since being here. And that list grows all the time. I love it!! I am amazed that we all get along so well and feel so blessed that we do. We don't have the cattiness here that I am sure other places do, and our mods hold their reins nice and tight and that sure makes a difference. We wouldn't be the community we are with Amy and Donna and all the others who do that hard work. But we also wouldn't be who we are without all the people here. The kindness is never ending, the friendships forthcoming and new people to get to know every day! What a winner :ghug

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This is the greatest place to be! I don't get much crocheting done anymore as Iam busy seeing what is going on here :rofl, I even got put on a naughty chair in the change one letter game :heehee ! That is ok I deserved it I didn't follow the rules and that is what happens :eek It is ok I still love all of you! :heart

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Shell, you are too sweet. Donna and I manage a bunch of stuff behind the scenes, but it's more along the lines of technical issues or making sure people understand our forum guidelines. (Oh, yeah, and the main job of making sure all the spammers who register never get a chance to post and cause problems, and if they do, that the problems are cleaned up so quickly most people never see them!) I can't remember the last time I've had to handle anything behind the scenes because members were breaking the guidelines about being ugly to each other!


The 'Ville just doesn't seem to be a place where nastiness thrives. And that is strictly a testament to all our lovely members. With as many members as we have, if everybody decided to be mean and nasty, we'd never be able to create a nice atmosphere here.


But everybody who posts genuinely seems to WANT to be nice, helpful, warm, and welcoming to everyone else. :manyheart I assume most of the people who don't post feel the same way; but since they don't post I can't say for sure! :)


If this place makes the world a nicer, brighter, friendlier place for even one person each and every day, then I feel like I've been successful in my job!


So as my part of Thanksgiving weekend, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone here who helps to make Crochetville what it is! :manyheart:manyheart:manyheart

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I'm sure anybody would be happy to talk to you via PM, but you're welcome to post any knitting questions in the Off-Topic Conversations folder.

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This is a really nice forum but I can't imagine why there would be ugliness. We are talking about crochet, for goodness sake! Even when it gets frustrating, this is a happy thing to do and discuss. It isn't politics or religion, it is a wonderful craft. I'm glad we have such a good place to connect with one another.

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Wow! I didn't realize there were so many knitters here. Can I PM you? Or should I post my questions in "Off Topic"?

I also knit. Right now I am working on http://www.knittinguniverse.com/xrx/booksDetail.php?ID=60

I would be happy to help if I can:hug

I love that we can share what we do with our knitting as well!

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Okay...I had some extra time to blow the past few days and decided to pay Drop Designs a thorough visit (all patterns), which inspired me to pick up one of my four sets of knitting needles and a beginners knitting book. Basic knit and purl is all I know...So, I decide to join a knitting forum for help and answers to any of the many questions I have. Nice forum, BUT...I would like to take this moment to "GIVE THANKS" to Crochetville and all members for being soooooo kind and helpful with my crochet endeavors, CUZ I CAN'T SEEM TO GET ANY HELP WITH THE KNITTING THING!!!! Perhaps I have been "spoiled" at the Ville. My husband says I am "comparing" other forums with Crochetville. I guess I am! AND WITH GOOD REASON! There's no place like home, and my home is here.





I am thankful for




There is pretty much only two crochet forums that has helpful people on it... The About.com crochet forum and Crochetville. People on both forums are nice, will usually flood you with help if you ask for it, and are just cool to talk to.


Some of the other crochet forums I've looked at seem to have more than their fair share of rude people, or are full of people who are intent on putting most pattern companies and designers out of work with their copyright thefts.

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ladies here who knit i almost hate to say this but i wish i could too. i think it is wonderful to be able to combine the 2 crafts together. we who crochet dont seem to be as concerned about the knitters and the hard core knitters are about crocheting.. I am glad crochetville knitters are coming out of the closet to help...hehe

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I can knit, but I prefer crochet. And I love Crochetville and all the wonderful people who contribute to it. I would actually get more crocheting done if I didn't spend so much time here LOL.

ditto!! :lol

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