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"Black Friday" nope, I am Crocheting....

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I did the black Friday shopping. I went to Wal-Mart at 4:30 this mornig just to get my niece an easy bake oven for $10 and my husband a nice leather jacket for $50. I say every year that I am not going to do this but something is usually in the paper that someone wants for christmas.

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My third black friday this year!

I bought an 400gig external hard drive from staples.. which is a STEAL ! :D


Didnt sleep last night.. went to staples at 4am.. got back home (10min walking distance) at 7am


It was crazy though, the lines were long and slow and it was so un-organized. My best experience shopping is with the best buy near my house, everything was where they said it was with nice maps and everything

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NO Black Friday for me (shudder) I'm an agorophobic and don't get out during holiday shopping times .. and I NEVER go to the mall ... but I love my Joann's during the week when everyone is at work and school .. I grab the three year old, hop the bus and off we go! I was busy today taking care of a sick three year old. But Wednesday and yesterday I managed to add about 15 to 20 more rows to the Seraphina I'm making for my best friend. Happy Holidays all!

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No shopping for me either. I parked my car on Wednesday and vowed it will not leave the driveway until Sunday morning for church! LOL

Way back when, I used to work at Pay Less Shoes in the mall. The Christmas season was a night mare!! I've been crocheting madly on the Darski Wrap (yes, named for our beloved poster, check out the thread on that). :hook

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Well, with 4 kids 7 & under, I have to go to Black Friday's. I went to Wal-Mart and made a good haul and I did bring ads just in case I needed to price match, but their prices were so good that I didn't. I also managed to get a good digicam (the battery kind though). And yes I still had time to crochet!

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:sheepxmas My Christmas shopping is done. Don't want to shop on Black Friday at 5:00 am in the morning. Shopping in the malls to buy specials you end up spending more on things you didn't plan to buy or need. Not leaving my home this weekend no traffic no crowds. I am going to spend my time baking and crocheting.
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Oh man, I did my first Black Friday. I got up at 4 am for the 5 am opening of Best Buy, figuring I might still have a shot at some early bird specials. I had NO idea people started camping out there as early as last evening! I was very lucky. I ran into a couple of co-workers, and one of them had gotten a coupon for the ONE thing I went there for. A laptop for $250!!! It was on my "wish list" and I know I won't get one any cheaper than this, so I went for it!! :D They actually ran out of the promised item so I ended up with this one



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I don't do black Friday; I decorate for Christmas. My husband used to hit the stores for the great toy sales but, with the youngest being 12, we are past that. He went to Target and bought a few strings of lights to replace some that were burned out, but that was the extent of our household's shopping.

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SueBee, so sorry...I just had to go...I usually can't buy yarn very often and I couldn't pass up the yarn sales at JoAnn's! :)


Oh I never said don't go! LOL! Those sales pay my bills! Haha!


I just meant be nice to us! LOL!

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