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"Black Friday" nope, I am Crocheting....

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I have to work this afternoon, did I go shopping nooooooooooooo, I am home, and husband is at work, and I imagine that 16 year old son will sleep till noon, SO, I finished my Martha Plus Poncho, am finishing up a hat to match with the extra yarn, AND THEN, I am going to attempt the Seraphina Shawl with the revised notes I have,( thank you, you know who you are :hook ) so all PEACE and QUIET, we will see how this goes...wish me luck!!!:cheer :cheer :cheer

P.S. I will take a pic of me with poncho and hat tonight when I get off work...

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You couldn't PAY me... oh. Wait. Yes you can.... I have to WORK from 12 - 5 today. LOL!


If you haven't gone out yet, please have mercy on us retail employees! We're only human, and we're probably more stressed out than you are! ;)

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Same here. I'm just sitting around enjoying a cup of coffee, the slow laziness of a no-school day and the christmas songs already playing on the radio, lol. The local mall here gats all the early bird shoppers so we might head over later this afternoon and see what's left. Ok, really we're heading over for Auntie Anne's...;)

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I used to love Black Friday shopping when I was a teenager. Then, in college, I worked retail for a couple of years. What a zoo! I haven't shopped on Black Friday since. I used to get my winter cold right after that weekend every year - I blame the stress and crowds.


Friday is normally my cleaning day, so I'm cleaning house. When I'm done I get to crochet :hook

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IF I can get my mom to drive and circle the parking lot while I fight my way in I 'may' go to Best Buy (electronics stuff) and gee, AC Moore is right next door. I don't 'have' to go anywhere but the grocery store and to visit Tim, but I might try these.

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Went to the grocery store:think this morning at 8 A.M. and no one was there. Guess they were all in the Malls:lol .

My Christmas gifts to the family is 1 bushel of sweet Florida Red Grapefruits and Naval oranges. One phone call and I am done.

Of course I have poncho's for the Granddaughters, but other than that Fruit for everyone.:clap

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living in a crowded part of NJ for 30 years has me swearing off crowds...black friday...***gedaboutit! ...not even if the stores were giving away everything!!!!:no

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i answer 911 calls at the police department and last night someone at a retail store called and said the police were needed because the people waiting in line for voucher tickets were fighting with the managers. That is just crazyness. Those poor officers..

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I did my Black Friday for the 1st time. I went to Michaels an 1 hr. late and there was hardly anyone in there. It seem like a reg. day of shopping. Then went to JoAnn's and there was a tiny bit of a line to ck. out. Mostly in the fabric section only. Every one was purchasing Fleece(on sale). But will return tommorow to purchase my reg. Caron 1-lb yarn w/ my 50% coupon.



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SueBee, so sorry...I just had to go...I usually can't buy yarn very often and I couldn't pass up the yarn sales at JoAnn's! :)

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I went to Michaels, but not during the early bird hours. I was going to avoid it altogether, but I'm making some scrapbooks for my children for Christmas and thought I'd try to save some money. It was pretty crowded and this was at 3 pm. Well, they ended up having the Cricut as an unadvertised special for the lowest price I've seen - $179.99. I've been eyeing it ever since it came out....so yes, I went ahead and bought it. Hubby said "Merry Christmas!" I didn't even check out the yarn, I figured the Cricut was enough of an unplanned purchase! I'm happy I waited (and waited...) and got a good deal on it.

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No black Friday for me... I am house cleaning in preparation for the xmas holidays and crocheting. I did make one trip to the post office to ship out holiday packages. That was enough for me!

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Well, I went out for some crochet supplies. Not counting what I ordered online from Joann's.

I don't usually do the Black Friday thing. I prefer to go shopping during the week in the daytime and even then sometimes places are packed.


FYI - Hobby Lobby has knitting and crochet tools on sale for 50% off right now. Don't know how long that will last, but if anyone is needing hooks, needles, stitch markers or other tools, it's a good deal.


Now, I am going to grab abite to eat, put on a DVD and do some crocheting.



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I absolutely love Black Friday! No Hobby Lobby/Michaels/Joann's for me! My sisters and I went to the outlet mall in our area at 11 pm last night (it opened at midnight) and the whole parking lot was already completely full! Lots of stores had up to 60% off the entire store so we went crazy... I think I brought around $1000 worth of clothes, accessories, etc. but only paid about $350 for it all. After the outlet mall, we split up into pairs to go to Best Buy, Walmart, Ikea, the mall and a furniture store. We managed to snag great deal on 2 plasma tvs, an HDTV, some furniture. We even got 2 futons completely free for being 2nd in line at the furniture when it opened! Although I haven't slept in about 48 hours, I got all of my christmas and holiday shopping done in just a couple of hours and got some really nice clothes for cheap!

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I absolutely love Black Friday! ... Although I haven't slept in about 48 hours, I got all of my christmas and holiday shopping done in just a couple of hours and got some really nice clothes for cheap!


:sigh ...to be young(er) again...

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