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Jo-Ann Flyers

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Does anyone know why the Jo-Ann Stores drop you from their flyer's mailing list from time to time. I frequently shop at Jo-Ann and have taken my flyers in to be scanned so that I remain on their mailing list and I still end up being dropped off the list. I had a flyer scanned about two months ago and I haven't gotten a flyer since. Jo-Ann Stores must have a good reason for the short time individuals remain on their mailing list. If someone here can enlighten me, I'd really appreciate it. It's starting to get annoying!


(Sorry for the rant! Still recovering from the worse Thanksgiving turkey...it was chewy and tough as nails...must have been left over from last year! Don't think I'll ever eat turkey again!)


Hope I'm not missing out on some good 'Black Friday' coupons.




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I did notice that Jo-Ann's doesn't send out flyers as often as they did, but I did get one for Black Friday. I believe it came in the mail about 2 weeks ago.


The only coupon I'm excited to use is the "20% your entire purchase including sale items" which I am going to use right now! Wish me luck, it's going to be a jungle out there! LOL


(I wouldn't be surprised if they had them in store too. Last Black Friday they did!)

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I already went there this morning and just got home. FYI, they are handing out coupons at the door! They also have stacks of them at the registers so if you don't have a flyer it's no biggie! Good luck!

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I too have had bad luck wiht thier flyers......and I know, I know, sign up again, I got sick of that and gave up on them...lol...

By the way, I LOVE the Micheals coupons!!!

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Every once in a while, I don't get one... I've never been dropped from the list entirely, but I have been "skipped" now and again. It happens a couple times a year.


Sometimes I think the post office screws up, and doesn't deliver them when they're supposed to, or at all... they seem to think they're junk mail... AS IF!!


We got handouts in our store, so there's a chance that some stores will still have some left.


There was a "save 20% on your purchase" between 6 and 9 am, a "save 10%" from 9 am to noon, and a 50% off one regular price item. One set for Friday, one set for Saturday.


Good luck shopping everyone! And please have mercy on us Team Members... ;)

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There couldn't be a large enough discount for me to have gone anywhere this morning. It was bad enough I had to be at work at 6am, but then there was a line of about 50 people who had been there since 5am for $20 off. I think people are nuts. :)

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my mil and i had inquired about this very problem not too long ago. we were told that if you don't physically go to the store AND make a purchase almost every month or every other month or so, their computers "drop" you to what i guess you could call an "inactive" status. apparently their registers track shopper info and send it to some main computer data bank hence generating a sales flyer. if you haven't been there in awhile, you just won't get one until you sign up for them again. it really is imo a lousy way to go about it, which is why both my mil and i gave up on worrying about whether or not we get them anymore. i don't go to joanns enough because it is quite some distance away from where i live, but i do purchase from them online and can check the sales out on their site. hope this answers your questions, and again, please remember this is what we were told by our local store employees. i cannot say that it is 100% joann policy or just our store's policy but it seems to be the aforementioned. :(

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my mil and i had inquired about this very problem not too long ago. we were told that if you don't physically go to the store AND make a purchase almost every month or every other month or so, their computers "drop" you to what i guess you could call an "inactive" status. apparently their registers track shopper info and send it to some main computer data bank hence generating a sales flyer. if you haven't been there in awhile, you just won't get one until you sign up for them again. it really is imo a lousy way to go about it, which is why both my mil and i gave up on worrying about whether or not we get them anymore. i don't go to joanns enough because it is quite some distance away from where i live, but i do purchase from them online and can check the sales out on their site. hope this answers your questions, and again, please remember this is what we were told by our local store employees. i cannot say that it is 100% joann policy or just our store's policy but it seems to be the aforementioned. :(




Thanks for info. I wonder how they do the tracking. It's not like they have a 'bonus card' like most supermarkets where individual customer shopping can be tracked.


They were out of the in-store coupons when I arrived today. Luckily a very nice customer gave me hers. Best deal was Joann's large skein Boucle for $4.50. Otherwise, sale wasn't that great.





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I'm not on their system, and for Black Friday stuff I just go to WalMart very early Thursday morning and pick up both local newspapers which are chock full of the ads. :) It would be kind of nice to be on a regular mailing list, though.

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i am not sure why your not getting your flyers but itw not because you have not used it within 2 weeksm maybe 2 months, but certainly not 2 weeks and maybe its as someone said the po thinks its junk mail, in fact when i gotmine the other day i asked the mail man if there was any goodies and he said nope some junk from joanns i said junk by big toe, thats my flyer, i don;t use mine all the time and i have never been dropped

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I was told once by a JoAnn's employee that they drop you if you don't use the coupon every 4 or 5 months, but if you don't use it, be sure and have them scan the barcode on your flyer to remain on the list. Last time I went, I used my coupon and they still scanned my flyer. The lady told me this would ensure I'd continue getting the coupons.


As some of you have probably read in other posts, I pretty much avoid JoAnn's, only going often enough to get coupons to use at Michael's. My last 2 flyers had a warning that I needed to have my flyer scanned to stay on their list. I knew it had been a while, so I made my token trip. I haven't checked my latest flyer, so I don't know if that's a new thing they've added, but I know putting my name on the coupon itself is new. Maybe something like that is how they are tracking people.

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my mil and i had inquired about this very problem not too long ago. we were told that if you don't physically go to the store AND make a purchase almost every month or every other month or so, their computers "drop" you to what i guess you could call an "inactive" status. apparently their registers track shopper info and send it to some main computer data bank hence generating a sales flyer. if you haven't been there in awhile, you just won't get one until you sign up for them again. it really is imo a lousy way to go about it, which is why both my mil and i gave up on worrying about whether or not we get them anymore. i don't go to joanns enough because it is quite some distance away from where i live, but i do purchase from them online and can check the sales out on their site. hope this answers your questions, and again, please remember this is what we were told by our local store employees. i cannot say that it is 100% joann policy or just our store's policy but it seems to be the aforementioned. :(


No, you don't have to make a purchase, but you should get your mailing label scanned periodically. They assume that if you haven't been in for a while, you're not interested in the flyer anymore, so they try to save money and a few trees by not sending you something they think you may not want anymore. ;)


You can always send your address label in with a friend or relative, and get it scanned. ;) We do that for people all the time.


And it's not every other month... it's closer to three months (aka quarterly).


It's funny how every store seems to give out a different story, though... what I've posted is what I know from my store... and we're a pretty big stickler for following corporate policy and knowing it well. ;)


My stepmother once had a Jo-Ann store manager tell her that a gift card purchased in their store HAD to be used in their store (she was mailing it to me from CA to NY). That's complete bull... they can be used in ANY store. I don't understand why a manager would tell a customer that... other than tricking them so that store gets the credit for the sale... because the store where the card is redeemed gets the credit (aka my store, in this case... heh). ;) But after hearing her story, I was embarassed that someone had that kind of experience in another store, much less someone related to me! *sigh*

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This is funny. When I first was getting them, I was able to use them right away and it seemed like I was getting one every month. Then I wasn't able to use them as often and it seemed that I wasn't getting them as often.


I just was told about having the flyer scanned even if your not using the coupon last month too and I have been on the mailing list for a year now.


I just used a coupon about a week and a half ago, then, on Friday last week, I got one, and then, just this morning, I got another! The dates on the coupons are different, so I know that it wasn't a mailing error LOL


I need to get on the Michael's mailing list too. We just got a brand new Michael's that just opened the end of March this year, but the yarn dept at Michael's isn't as big at the one at the JoAnn's here. I seen to spend more time at JoAnn's.

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