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The Seraphina Capelet ?!?

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I decided that it is time to frog or finish a whole bunch of WIPs so i went through my basket and came upon my Seraphina shawl that was started ...um.. er...ah... a while ago. :think


Now I did make a couple of changes because I don't care for shawls that drag on the ground but don't cover my arms but that was a while back. I looked at it today and realized that it is just the right size for a capelet and with a finsihiing row of SC it is done! :hook


Do others do this? do you get so far -and only so far- into something and then decide with a couple of changes it could be "this" and be finished instead. We crocheters are a crafty lot and we do tend to make do...


Don't leave me hanging out here, is this common at the Ville?:yes

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I just did almost the same thing. I'd started a mesh bag in February with some neon green poly-twine from Can Tire, then put it aside until I got more twine. Then DD spotted it - she's the designated frogger - and asked that I turn it into a hat [only now it's a tote for one of her stuffed animals!].

There's only one 'to-be-frogged' item left... Now I'll have to take a look at it and see if it's recoverable/salvageable.




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That sounds wonderful Darski. I am vertically challenged, and I have a funny feeling the shawl I'm making is going to be very long on me before it goes around enough. For my next maybe I will try your idea, I hope to make two before I take a vacation next month.

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Hi Darski, I can't even COUNT the times I have "altered" stuff, especially if I get bored with a pattern, heck I have started tablecloths that have ended up as table runners..lol..so your not alone :hook:hug

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Ive done that sometimes if I run out of a yarn that I cannot seem to find anywhere. I like when shawls are shorter- they remind me of the civil war style ones.


Yeah! That''s what I''m doing - I celebrating history month :lol

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