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Have you ever done this to your hand?

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I have never made my mom an afghan and wanted to make her one for Christmas. I had a free weekend and the weekend before this past one, I crocheted all day Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Now I'm in trouble.


On the back of my hand at the wrist, the tendons or bones are popping in and out of place. It hurts and I don't have much use of my hand. If my fingers are out straight, my hand feels fine. It is when I make a fist, or twist my wrist then everything at the base of my hand pops and rolls and hurts. You can put your hand over my wrist and everyone can feel the bones or tendons shifting.


I haven't crocheted since then and I tried about 2 rows this weekend. Oddly it didn't hurt when I did them, but I was afraid to do much more. As the day goes on, I work my hand back and forth and by the end of the day, I can move it and it pops and hurts very little. But when I sleep, it is like it all stiffens up. It was really doing good by the time I went to bed last night and this morning when I woke up, I stretched out and bent my fingers and came straight out of bed and collapsed. I'm starting my day back where I was earlier in the week.


Have any of you done this before? How did you treat it? My hubby wants me to go to the chiro but I'm leary of him working on all these delicate bones and tendons. Then he suggested a doctor, but what would they do? So finally he suggested me to buy some aleve and that maybe everything is swelled and won't let the tendons (or bones) go back in place.


I don't know, but I've got to do something. Not only do I desparately want to finish this afghan for my mom, but we are on a working farm and I need to be able to grip. We will have goats kidding in 3 weeks so milking starts again, I need to trim feet and I need to trim the horses as well.


Any suggestions will be muchly appreciated. I'm going this a.m. to get some cal/mag and aleve. Do you think I should go to a doc or chiro?


Totally put out with myself,



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Defo see a doctor, right away. Your wrist is nothing to mess with. A chiro simply doesn't have the training to deal with an orthopedic problem like this.


A doctor might prescribe a splint, medication for swelling and maybe even physical therapy, depending on what is going on.


You don't want to take a chance of having a permanent disabililty!

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I have strained my hand, wrist, forearm, shoulder and back all in the name of crocheting. Go to the Dr right away. Until you can get to him use Aleve or Ibuprophen for swelling and use something like Icy Hot to rub on it or ice packs on for 10 min and off for 10 min.


Our biggest problem with being avid crocheters is carpel tunnel syndrome. Make sure you are giving your hands breaks during long periods of crocheting and computer work. Do little streatching exercises.

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This really doesn't sound good. I've overdone it crocheting and my thumb joint hurts but nothing like what you are describing.


Yes - - go see an orthopedist. And don't delay. You might do more damage especially working with the animals. Your Mom will understand about the afghan.

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You MUST go to the medical doctor my dear. They will be able to treat it properly, if it it tarpel tunnel, which I can't say for sure, but it takes specific treatment. Unitl you can get to the doc, which I suggest also you do right away, do not crochet or use that hand, for you could worsen the condition. I wish you the best of luck, and lets hope it is something that can be cured with rest and an antiinflamitory medication.:hug

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I have that problem right now :( I have had problems for the past few months with my wrist and thumb. It is a lot better but I should go to the dr. I guess I am just a big baby when it comes to going to the dr. Right now the only thing that is bothering me is that my bones or tendons are popping out of joint or rubbing together (I am not sure exactly what it is that is happening). I agree that you should go to the dr. Let us know what happened. I am curious as to what it means to have the bones/joints do that. Maybe it will motivate me to go to the dr as well...

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You need to see your doctor about it. Try not to worry too much until you're properly diagnosed though. It may be simple tendonitis and some ibuprofen, wearing splints at night sometimes, and resting when you have symptoms could be all that's needed to clear it up. Waiting until it is a really big problem will just compound it and make it worse for recovery time.

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Ok, can you hear my big SIGH.........


I so don't want to go to the doc. and was hoping someone would tell me, heat, wrap, or... and all would be well.


I had chemo the first 6 months of 05 and have desparately avoided the doctors office every since.


But, I've got to have my hand back. I'm a bookkeeper and so typing is a must. Funny thing, typing doesn't hurt at all. It is the moving of the wrist or the bending down of my fingers to a fist then things go to popping.


I bought some aleve this am and will take it before bed and hopefully the doctor has not closed down his office for the holidays yet.


Thanks all,



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Leslie don't mess with your wrists....seriously go to a doctor.


I've had problems with my left wrist and fingers for a very long time. They hurt like blazes when I type for long periods, or crochet. The pain is indescribably. At one point I had an MRI scan done and they found ganglions wrapped around my ligaments and things. They burst those and gave me some cream to rub in which helped some, but the pain is still there. And what's worse is the damage I've done is permanent, all because I ignored it for so long.


Go to the doctor. It may be something really simple and easily fixed, and if it is, then you'll kick yourself if you waited for nothing!

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I went to the chiropractor for my wrists when they started acting up (I was typing a lot daily and crocheting and working in a machine shop) Icing (you can alternate heat and ice, but make sure to end with ice) it is good, also wearing a wrist brace while you sleep and when you can thorughout the day (I have metal ones that interfere with things like writing, cooking...)

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i find with problems like these is that the not knowing what is wrong often times is much worse because of fear. I agree that you need to see a dr asap.

Most of the time it will something simple and you can hit your forhead and say duh!! how simple. we are all thinking good thoughts for you and want to hear how this is going after you see the doc....

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Dear Hubby wanted me to go to the chiro instead of the doctor. I got in this morning. He said I had tendonitis. He adjusted my back and neck, stretched my fingers and adjusted my wrist and elbow.


He said because I over stressed it, all the tendons are swelled and inflamed. He told me to use heat and aleve and DO NOT use my hand if at all possible.


Said that I hurt it by over use so I must give it time to heal by under using it. He thinks I should see a big difference in my hand within 48 hours.


I so hope he is right. Thanks all for prodding me to go. I know it's stupid, but after going to the doctors so much last year, you mention doctor and my stomach curls.


Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving.



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Thank goodness it's just tendonitis and nothing serious. Listen to your body, you only get one. Take it easy!!!


I had tendonitis in my left shoulder. If I crochet two straight days, the three day my hook will be down. I let that shoulder rest.


Once again take it easy.:yes

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Glad that it isn't something more serious, I also have tendonitis in my left shoulder(I painted a large bedroom years ago, on a step ladder, and just held the gallon of paint instead of sitting it down) and it HURTS. Every once in awhile it will act up...then you just have to give it a rest. And I use Aleve too, I love Aleve....I think it may be a problem...lol. Do you remember when they wanted to take it off the shelves? I was soooo ready to run out and stock up. I actually did, lol! :D

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Sounds like what I did to my thumb last year. I finally went to the doctor and he told me I had a trigger thumb. The popping is because the tendon sheath is swollen and not allowing things to work right so it catches, then gives, hence the pop. We tried imobilzing it and it still was doing it. So finally ended up doing a shot of cortisonne and it did the trick. Relaxed everything enough that it could finally heal. Don't mess around with this. I would see a doctor and find out your best way to treat it.

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