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What length are your Scarves?

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I have been making scarves for my hubby's family for Christmas. Because of the height and build of each person is different I have been making them all different lengths. So my question is.... when making a scarf for a friend or family member; do you change the length according to body type?



Example... My BIL is 6' 2" and is fairly fit so I made his scarf 7' long. So that it would reach his waist. But their uncle is 6' 4" and is heavy so I am making his longer to make sure he has enough scarf to drape into his coat nicely.



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I tend to work the scarves more based on age. I also consider length to width.


I think teens like skinny but long - roughly. For older people or those who use a scarf to be warm, I tend to make them wider but not as long so that they cross the chest area but can go under a coat.

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I'm doing the same thing, making scarves for my family. Yes you do change the length according to body type.


My nephew is about 5'5" or 5'6" and I made his scarf 10x50, but his father is 6'3" w/wide shoulders and his scarf is 9 1/2x62.


So do change the length according to body type.

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I tend to work the scarves more based on age. I also consider length to width.


I think teens like skinny but long - roughly. For older people or those who use a scarf to be warm, I tend to make them wider but not as long so that they cross the chest area but can go under a coat.



That is what I am doing too for my gifts this year. From little kids to tall men.


Thanks for posting this, cause I was worried I wasn't thinking straight!

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I've made most of my scarves about 6' long not counting the fringe. But... I have only made women's scarves so far. I'm thinking of making a man's scarf for Christmas, so I'm interested in reading what lengths others are doing.



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I was curious if people did it differently then me. I have visited a couple craft shows and I always see these cute scarves. But none to the scarves ever seem to be long enough in my opinion. I make scarves so they can be wrapped loosely around the neck once and then tied together in the front with about 12" to 18" on both sides draping down into a coat. Of course almost all of my scarves are for grown men. Except the scarf I made for my daughter it is long too for the reason mentioned above.


I guess it is just a style/fashion difference or maybe a weather difference. Either way I think it is neat to find out how different people interpret how to make gifts for others. :hook

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Honestly? Depends on how much yarn I have. My rule of thumb is usually armlengths. For wider scarves, I make them so that they go across my arm span and then a few inches extra. Narrower scarves I make longer. But usually I just pick a width and go till I run out of yarn, since i make scarves out of leftovers

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I just measure mine according to how they fit for me, of course I haven't really made any for men or big men (thought about it for Christmas though). I just make them to wrap around my neck once and go to my (low) waist. Sometimes a bit longer, but I figure that's a good length. I figure I'm not skinny but not too fat and I don't have a skinny neck but not too fat, so I figure it's good.


I'd also be intersted in more ideas and opinions.

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I work scarves based on intended user and usage. My friend is a trucker and loves his 'short' scarf, suitable for tucking INSIDE his jacket on frosty mornings and safe if he's working on his trailer. For a young lady who likes goth style clothing, I made a 'dress' one long enough to 'almost' drag the ground, unless she has her boots on.

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I have been making scarves for my hubby's family for Christmas. Because of the height and build of each person is different I have been making them all different lengths. So my question is.... when making a scarf for a friend or family member; do you change the length according to body type?


i definitely make scarves according to the persons size - and build - and have a few waiting to be wrapped that i made for christmas. i alsp recently made a prayer shawl for my female cousin who is 6 foot tall and going through breast cancer. it's longer and wider so she can really get herself wrapped up in the love i sent with it (she lives in NH and i'm here in NJ).:yarn

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