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Why do scarves....

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That I crochet lengthwise seem to go faster than the ones that you crochet across each row?


It seems like I can make a lengthwise one in a night or two, but the other kind seems to take so much longer. I really don't understand why. Maybe it's all the turning that you do.


Does anyone else find this problem?



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I agree with you. I noticed when the scarfs get longer I have to start untwisting them from the yarn. And if I roll them then they become heavy, which slows me even more.


I like the look of scarfs make on the length :c9 especially when made with boucle.

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I've figured this one out!! When you're working the width of the scarf back & forth, it takes many many more rows to complete the scarf. When you're working the length of the scarf, it's much fewer rows to complete...so you might only do 5 rows a night when working length-wise, but that could very well be half the scarf right there. If you only do 5 rows width-wise, that's like an inch of length and you know there's SO much more to do before you're finished. It could be two scarves exactly the same, but the length-wise one will feel like it's going faster because of it.:P



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I also suspect it's a matter of perception as well. When you start with the length, already have an idea what the scarf is going to loook like so it's fairly instant gratification. If you start them the other way, it takes a long time before you feel you've made any real progress. I doubt the time would be too much different on either, but it feels less when you think you're really making progress. I guess you can figure out which method I use for making my scarves. :)

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I think it is about the turning all the time too. It is a constant break in what you are doing; your rhythm is broken.


And if the awful truth were told, :blush every time I complete a row it is like a permit to talk :blah or take a long look at what I have done :scrachin and maybe a quick check on the Ville :ccompute etc., etc., etc.. These opportunities to waste time come up more often with the width-wise scarves.

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