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What percentage of projects do you give away?

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Hi Friends,


With this beginning holiday season, I probably give away 98 percent of what I make. Gifts, charities, etc.


I was wondering what the rest of the people at the 'ville do at this special time of year.


I have read that Crocheters are very generous people. So, what do you make and give away?


I am making an afghan, a bunch of angel ornaments, and a scarf or two.


Let's see what you do.



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I seem to give away much over half of what I make. With Christmas coming that percentage increases quite dramatically. Usually if I do end up making something I really like I end up making 2 or 3 more of the item (scarf, purse, toque, etc) and then give them out to my sister or friends! It is great enjoying your work but there is something extra special about other people enjoying it too!

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I give away about 95% of what I make also. I always think that what I am making is just for me....but it always seems that it would be perfect for someone else. Someday I'll make something just for me!

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I, too give away about 90-95% of what I make. Most of the time I am making something for someone else, but sometimes I will start something with myself in mind and someone will see it, admire it and the next thing you know I'm giving it to them :lol I don't mind if it makes them happy. I love the act of making, so I can always make another one, whereas the person to whom it's being given doesn't always have that capability.

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Well after 10 years of crocheting I made myself a purse about a month ago. That was the first thing I've made that I've kept. lol


I do make stuff for my kiddos so in that sense I guess I kinda keep some stuff.

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I, too give away about 90-95% of what I make. Most of the time I am making something for someone else, but sometimes I will start something with myself in mind and someone will see it, admire it and the next thing you know I'm giving it to them :lol I don't mind if it makes them happy. I love the act of making, so I can always make another one, whereas the person to whom it's being given doesn't always have that capability.


I am the exact same way :D

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I do make a lot of stuff for myself, but I tend to give away about 75% or so. I make scarves for my boys school teachers every year, fun little purses for my 11 nieces, skullies/ski caps for my 2 nephews, for every wedding in the family a full size afghan, plus every new baby, a baby blanket/booties/hat. My family pretty much expects a crochet item for x-mas and I usually get the update on what color everyone’s winter coat is, so I can match up a hat/scarf combo!


I also crochet for charity, (Warm Up America, Helmet Liners for our troops too)


I think most folks enjoy a hand made gift, here in Minnesota, a warm hat or scarf goes along way and it makes me feel good. When I see the looks on their faces when they open the presents and rush over to give me a big hug, then wear the hat/hold the purse all day….to me it’s priceless.

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I give most EVERYTHING away...everyone I know LOVES homemade stuff, even IF I made something and planned on keeping it, you bet someone will beg me for it, and off it goes...but, its all worth it. I AM making MYSELF a marthaStewart plus sized poncho, I am down to the edging, however it is on hold until I get all my comitments done..but that is okay, just to know you made something that someone else will cherish, its all wrth it :hook

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I probably give away 98% of what I make. This year I finally started making stuff for myself. I made some wristwarmers and I'm working on an afghan and a pair of socks. I also want to try a sweater.


Then I'll get cranking again on Christmas gifts for next year. My goal is four afghans for my uncle's family, plus one for my neice's graduation gift.


DH has put in a request for socks and a cardigan. Looks like I'll be busy next year!! :eek

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I guess I'm less generous than the rest of you! About half of what I make is given away, the rest stays in my house (although that would include things made for the kids or my husband).

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I would say that about 70% of what I make is given away. I always have baby items on hand for whatever comes up (even though my boys are 9 & 11 and they don't understand why I would keep making baby stuff). I enjoy giving my stuff away especially when my relatives or friends can't afford it themselves. :)

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Most everything is for someone else - I made the Circle Sweater for myself and I'm working on an afghan for my family room, but everything else I have ever crocheted was given away. Oops, I lied! I made myself a pair of fingerless gloves last winter! Boy, last year was the year of 'me'! A sweater and gloves!

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I probably give away 90% of what I make. I've made myself a shawl, a few washcloths, and a hat or two. It seems I never have time to make myself something---I'm always making something for someone else. The shawl was the first thing I really made myself, and I felt kind of guilty when I kept it.



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:eek 99.9% !!!!


Just realized today that I own 2 afghans...and a scarf!


One afghan is neatly folded and put away...its a snowflake ghan that my great grandmother made for me when I was 4!!!! The other is a granny square afghan that my grandmother made and I inherited. The scarf...my second piece I ever made....other than that...it all goes out to a loved one!:hug I don't have time to make things for myself.

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I give away almost everything I make. After crocheting for 20+ years, I realized that I did not have any item that I made! So this year I made a few things to keep. I also ramped up the amount of what I produced to increase my giving.

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