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My favorite thing about crochet


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I'm 23 years old and I think one of the coolest things about being able to crochet is all the things I will be able to make that will become keepsakes. When I start a family, I will be able to make my children toys and blankets, I'll be able to make tree skirts and ornaments for Christmas, and all kinds of things like that. Homemade things are so great like that. I remember that my mom always made me whatever quilt I had on my bed, and my dad made the bedframe, and that always felt so special to me that they had made them just for me. I just think it's really neat to be able to do that. Maybe it's just because I come from a family where everyone likes to make things, but I think that's really special. It's awesome when you can surround yourself with your own handiwork and ingenuity instead of all store-bought commercial things. (All there's nothing wrong with a little of that; we can't make everything!) :hook


So I guess my favorite thing about crochet is the ability to create memories through the things I make!

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I agree completely. I have only been crocheting avidly for a short time and when I look around my room and see the things I have made it makes me feel so warm and happy!! I love making things that will be cherished and that make your place feel more homey. I can't wait to have kids and crochet baby clothes and toys and do all the christmas stuff for them!!! Yay!! I better stop now before I ramble on forever but I agree with you so much!!!! Can't wait!!!:cheer

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I repair and restore antique quilts, clothing and hand-mades. i'm glad to hear that "young" people also appreciate the value of family heirlooms. So often the value of hand mades is lost in our hectic lives. Record the history of your precious family gifts....what they are made with, when they were made and even why.....these could be lost in the course of time, and be sure to sign them!!!!!!!

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I agree completely!! I glad to see "young" people enjoy crocheting.:clap


I love hearing my friends tell me that they still have their baby blankets I made them and they will be passing them down to their grandkids.


It's a joy seeing the smiles on people faces when you give them something that you made. :yay :yay


Plus I just love crocheting. I'm very relax when I crochet.:manyheart :manyheart

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I like making things for my house...it makes it much more cozy and "homey." It's also fun to give people crocheted presents--they usually can't believe you've gone to "all that work!" for them <g>.


What I really like about crocheting is that, unlike knitting, it's easier to put down in a hurry and be able to find your place when you pick it back up again. Also, if you have to frog, it's much easier to start over than knitting. I've had to frog a sweater I'm knitting because the collar was all wrong, and I'm just about losing my marbles trying to get all those stitches back on the needle. With crocheting, you just have to pick up ONE loop and keep going again.

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I've always appreciated hand-made items! Even when I was about 8 or so, a friend's mother had made slips for me for my birthday. They were my favourite gift that year.

Now, I'm waiting for my aunt to send me two cross-stitch pictures that my grandmother had done, one was dated in the 50's. Aunt Lyn figured I'd like them, since I do a lot of crafting. I can't wait to see them!


I love being able to make things that I want or need (well, only occasionally for the want!) like shrugs, and dishcloths, etc. I've enjoyed doing baby afghans for friends/family, making little gifts for the teachers...



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<--------------quote Pam----------------->

I've had to frog a sweater I'm knitting because the collar was all wrong, and I'm just about losing my marbles trying to get all those stitches back on the needle. With crocheting, you just have to pick up ONE loop and keep going again.


I am so with you on this. When I did my Branching Out scarf, I had to use a lifeline every 5 rows as 10 was too far to go without it.


With crochet, yo can find your place and it's only one stitch at a time to watch out for. Good on the nerves

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I have been crocheting for over 50 years and I still love that same thing about this.




I've been at it for about 30 years now. I remember the first time i ever saw somebody crochet (it was a teacher at my after school daycare), I was about 6 years old. I remember the feeling of "Whoa! i wish i could do that!" that i got. It's like true love that never dies. I STILL get that feeling when I see something new I want to make. It was still a few years before I actually learned. I get so happy and glad that I can do this, when I see beautiful hand bags, and afghans, and doilies, and sweaters, and now I can say "Hey! I CAN make that!" Its a feeling like no other, a feeling of satisfaction, and accomplishment. It compares to the same feeling I got the first time I feel in love. Its a good thing! :hook

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my favorite thing is the memories alot of my books are from my grandmother and i even have the afgan she made me for my 16th b-day. i think the best thing was when she told me that my crocheting was bueatiful coming from her it was the best compliment i could ever get.

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my favorite thing about crochet is the versatility that it offers, you can do so much, and it's like magic that all evolves from a simple slip knot...magic thread running through my fingers the hook my magic wand, transforming the thread into silky supple beautiful cloth :)

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My favorite thing about crochet is that it calms my mind down. I tend to be a type a personality and am ALWAYS thinking. My mind goes 90 mph all the time and it gets tiring and I get agitated easily so when I start to feel that way I just pull out a ball of yarn and a hook and make a washcloth.


I remember a business trip to Salt Lake City. I felt so miserable there and I remembered a Michaels near the hotel so I ran over there and picked up a hook and yarn and went back to my hotel to crochet. I felt so much better after that and have since taken to crocheting when I feel bad.


I like making things too because it makes people see you differently. When you crochet or knit they see you as an artistic person, someone who is just a little bit different and I like being viewed that way.


Mostly I just have a collector personality and I like collecting patterns, yarns, and hooks. :P

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What a lovley thought to make keepsakes a wonderful project.


You could also :photo make a scrapbook of your projects also along with the pattern and the date you started and even finished.


A real personal scrapbook.


I am away to put my feet up and :hook while I watch children on need on the TV.

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I'm actually looking for a journal to use for my crochet. I plan to put copies of the patterns I make, stitches I learned, swatches, samples of yarn, etc, in it so that I can look back on what I've done.


It's probably the first scrapbook type think I've ever wanted to do ..

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My favorite thing about crochet, besides the whole making heirlooms for my daughter thing, is being able to share it with my grandmother.


Grandma can't crochet much anymore, but we just love talking about it and going to Michael's together. She's given me a lot of her old pattern books (of course, I still have all the afghans she made me when I was a kid).


Just the other day, I found that Annie's Attic is still publishing the pattern for the afghan she made me when I was 3. It got handed down to my brother 27 years ago, and we still argue whose blanket it is, lol!


So, I'm going to make another one for me and one for my daughter!


That's what I love about crochet - that it brings together the generations of my family.


I'm going to teach my daughter to crochet, and when she looks at the afghans her great-grandmother made, she'll know the love and care that went into each stitch. She'll also see that Gran-mama was human, and sometimes fudged a stitch here and there, lol!

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Homemade memories are the best. When I was pregnant for my 1st child I received a quilt that my grandmother had started when she was pregnant for my aunt. That quilt is now over 60 years old and I love walking into my daughter's home and seeing it hanging on the wall. That got me thinking when my 1st grandaughter was born :c9 . I wanted to do something special. I bought her a hope chest and made her a "birthstone" afghan and gave it to her for her 1st birthday. I did the same for my second grandaughter. Now every year for their birthday I give them something to put in their chests. Because crochet is so versatile, the projects are endless. I hope one day they'll treasure these things and think of me when their using it.

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I like it when I learn a new technique and I love it when I finish something new that I never would have thought I could make.


I made my first sweater last year. It was from a pattern I found on the old Groovy Crochet website. Right after making that, I made a sweater vest without a written out pattern by using a storebought sweater as a guide for where and when to do the increases and decreases.


Last fall I made my first long sleeved cardigan sweater (from Dot Matthew's pattern...shows what a good designer she is. I understood the pattern and finished the sweater within a week or two, plus I deviated from her original pattern a bit and it still turned out looking good!)


The coolest thing about crocheting is when you've woven in the last tail on a project that uses a brand new technique that you've never tried or thought you could never do and then you either hold it up or try it on and you think "wow...I cant believe I made this".

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My favorite thing about crochet is that it calms my mind down. I tend to be a type a personality and am ALWAYS thinking. My mind goes 90 mph all the time and it gets tiring and I get agitated easily so when I start to feel that way I just pull out a ball of yarn and a hook and make a washcloth.


I remember a business trip to Salt Lake City. I felt so miserable there and I remembered a Michaels near the hotel so I ran over there and picked up a hook and yarn and went back to my hotel to crochet. I felt so much better after that and have since taken to crocheting when I feel bad.


I like making things too because it makes people see you differently. When you crochet or knit they see you as an artistic person, someone who is just a little bit different and I like being viewed that way.


Mostly I just have a collector personality and I like collecting patterns, yarns, and hooks. :P

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My favorite thing about crochet is that you can make a pattern exactly the way it is printed, or you can change things to make it suit your needs and personality. It really can show your true colors when you change things up.


It is a talent that we all share and can really give us joy.


Young and old alike can create so much with just a hook, some yarn or thread and some ideas. It is an amazing craft.



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