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I went shopping today and my local Wal-mart finally had holiday yarn in. Not the ones I wanted but christmas yarn that will work for me. I have been itching sense they started putting out Christimas stuff, just waiting.


Now I can make my stockings and tree skirts and things!:clap:c9 I am kind of put out. I was hopeing they would have had this stuff earlier.

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Consider yourself lucky, my Walmart doesn't have any. When I ask about it, I get the deer in the head lights look.

Now I know I am speaking English, but they don't understand.

Good luck on the stockings and such.:hook

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I don't do Walmart (dirty, small and understocked in my area), but Joann's has had Christmas yarn since before Halloween, I think it got there around labor day.

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I am so happy for you PoisonApple! (I almost called you Wicked LOL)


I try not to shop at Wal-Mart if I can help it, but you know why too LOL


(Did you ever get a new monitor or are you still on your DH's laptop?

I want to see some pics of all of the stuff that you've been doing! LOL)

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LOL...I would have answered to wicked


I know..but in the town I live in..it is all we got!.


I will have to take photos...I only have lee's palm pilot so they aren't the best quality but you should be able to see what I have done. LOL

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