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phew thank god thats over

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i visit my family for thanksgiving rather than christmas every year (cheaper to fly then since in this country it isnt a holiday) so i have to get all my holiday presents done bfore that earlier deadline. i thought i had put way too much on my plate as i had agreed to help a friend fill out her craft booth in nov. and all the christmas presents i had planned to make. now i am done (well almost except for one scarf for my DH neice which she will get on christmas day so i have time.) i agreed to take on one more project (well 3 in 1) for a friend to buy to give as her christmas gifts. fortunately for me it is just a little baby scarf/mitten set and 2 small purses which will take me all of a week of my free time to finish all 3, and it will be me some extra christmas cash! just thanksful i got through all that i was rushing everything because i felt like i took on too much to finish in time but i got it all done with time to spare even!!:smiling

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But why do we put so much stress on ourselves? I did that last year, and it was nuts. I made 15 scarves, plus some other Christmas things, all with deadlines and it made me nuts.


I vowed not to do that this year. I started earlier and did less. I know how we all get caught up in all the yarn and patterns, but we need to be aware of the stress of deadlines.


I am glad you accomplished all that you had to. Pat yourself on the back.


Happy Holidays!



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Congratulations on getting all your gifts done!!! I have barely started and just keep finding other things I want to make and make them instead-Well actually I've been on a designing binge(first ever) and every time I get a new idea I just have to do it and my christmas presents just keep waiting.:(


I'm hopeless!:blush

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