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Crocheting with horsehair?

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I have a friend who had to put her beloved mare of 15+ years down back in the summer. She kept her tail and was asking me about making her something with the tail. Would crocheting with horsehair work if combined with a yarn? Maybe something alpaca blend like patons rumor? And suggestions on an "item"?

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Hmm, I'm not sure you could crochet it, but maybe you could look online for some to see if anyone has any Victorian "hair" crafts.


The Victorians used to take the hair of deceased loved ones, and make pictures and crafts out of it - sort of icky to our modern sensibilities, but they found it comforting, I guess.


Or, if you think the horsehair is strong enough to be crocheted, I'd do a graph in the shape of a horse, using the horse's hair to make the horse and using yarn for the rest of it. You could make it a bag/tote, or a framed item, or a pillow.

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I haven't seen anything with Horsehair crocheted in or with but my dad has a belt that is made from horsehair. It was braided though. I can't remember if it belonged to my grandfather or great grandfather. I can tell you that it is prickly so it is not used. Wish I had a picture, I would show you.


Sorry I can't be of much help. Good luck in your quest.


Happy Crocheting


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This site is for dog hair, but they have this whole page of items made from that fiber. Maybe it will give you some inspiration. I like the idea of the rose or photo frame. I think that you would have to combine the tail hair with something though....isn't horse tail very coarse?
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Thats what I'd said above...maybe I could combine it with something. It IS very coarse but it wouldn't be a wearable most likely. She's looking into braiding but its rather $$ for what she wants and can afford. Thanks!

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What I've done with sections of mane from our own horses when they pass is put them in a shadow box with a glass front, kind of a deep frame... with a picture and something written for remembrance.. that way it's preserved, doesn't have the risk of being broken as the hair dries out with time and is a beautiful tribute for her to hang on her wall.


I"ve seen things made from horse hair as well, braided into belts and key chains etc.. it almost always breaks as the hair dries out and becomes brittle. If she's wanting something as a remembrance.. I'd not keep it out where it can be dried and touched and handled. Horse hair is much coarser than human or dog hair even .. I wouldn't try to make anything with it.. just band it at the top and leave it natural and hanging but with a great picture or a copy of a pedigree.. something like that.


From one horse lover to another, give her my condolences.. it's so hard to let them go.


My horses - my babies :)


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I will pass that on! I've been lucky in that I've always sold mine before they passed on but it will happen sooner or later I'm sure.

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We have had our horses hair braided into like a key ring type thing. My daughter cut some of her horses tail and braided it and just put a knot in it but her horse is still alive. I like the idea of the shadow box.

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We've got 8 loved ones buried here... everything from an aged and much beloved pinto shetland pony, to an old 38 year old mare my mom moved down here with from Missouri, to the orphan foal we lost at 3 months :(


I can't imagine ever moving.. I'd be leaving my family behind :-s

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