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Help I'm Upset

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Three weeks ago I started making scarves for my family. When all of a sudden I started itchy behind my left ear, and my neck and arms. My skin started to rise and turn red. Therefore, I went to the doctor.


The doctor said it might be hives. I never had hives. I stop working on that scarf and started another one. I even changed the brand of yarn. Everything seem be clearing up with once again another breakout. This time on my back and legs. I went back to the doctor and she said it was hives. I also had blood work done and everything came back positive. She told me to take Benadryl. I also used Benadryl Gel to stop the itchy.


I want to finish making my scarves but I keep breakout. What should I do?


The brand of yarns is Homespun and Jiffy by Lion Brand.

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You know, you really could be allergic to anything. The only way to know for sure is to have your allergist do specific allergy testing. It's expensive, so I hope you have insurance! I developed an allergy to local shrimp about 4 years ago, and they had no idea what it was until I broke out a second time (I put two and two together, the allergist had no idea). And we can develop allergies any time, unfortunately, even to things you had no trouble with before. If the hives are bad, or if the benadryl doesn't make them go away, the doctor can prescribe other medications as a last resort. Hope they go away for you soon, hives are no fun! And I DEFINITELY hope it's not the yarn you're allergic to!!!:hook

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I would stop crocheting with that yarn and give the hives time to heal. Then, try working on the scarfs again. If the hives come back, then maybe it is something to do with the yarn. Also have you changed anything recently? Laundry detergent? Bath wash? Facial products? If so then you're probably having a recaction and the only way to find out is to eliminate everything and start over one thing at a time. If it's none of the above - then I would say it's nerves working on you. There have been times I've been so worked up about life in general that my hair will fall out in small patches and I have bald spots about the size of a nickle. Can't see them because they are always underneath. Nerves wreak havoc on some people. We used to have wall to wall rug with a pile. Got infested with fleas and you should have seen the hives I had from them. :eek YEW!! OH - TRY THIS! WHEN YOU GET DONE A BATH/SHOWER AND WHILE YOUR SKIN IS DAMP - USE WITCH HAZEL AS A SPLASH. Just pour some in your hand and splash it on the hives. Really, this works. Been there done that plenty of times. That's what my Dr. told me to do with the flea bites, that and he gave me some ointment to use.

Good luck! Also try the disposable gloves.:hug

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I'm allergic to acrylic yarns (mainly Red Heart) so I know how you feel. My arms break out horribly when I crochet with it and my ears feel hot & swollen and I've had an occassional asthma type attacks due to acrylics. I have to keep my inhaler near by when crocheting with acrylics. Try using those disposable latex/non-latex gloves when you crochet. The kind doctors/nurses use. You can buy them at most grocery stores in the cleaning isle and most drugstores carry them as well. They are super lightweight and will help keep the yarn from touching your hands while you crochet which will help prevent further attacks.

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Thanks for all your suggestions.:cheer :cheer


I asked myself the some of those questions. I started double checking everything I d in those last three weeks. And the only thing that'm still doing is using the yarn. I will try the latex gloves and the witch hazles.


Should I wash the yarn and try using it again?


I will keep you all posted.


Thanks again:manyheart :manyheart :manyheart :manyheart

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Thanks for all your suggestions.:cheer :cheer


I asked myself the some of those questions. I started double checking everything I d in those last three weeks. And the only thing that'm still doing is using the yarn. I will try the latex gloves and the witch hazles.


Should I wash the yarn and try using it again?


I will keep you all posted.


Thanks again:manyheart :manyheart :manyheart :manyheart


If you are allergic to the fabric of the yarn, washing the yarn is no solution. I think you should lay it aside and wait (as someone else suggested).

I used to have eczema for years and years on both hands ... painful thing as you can imagine. :( And "zero-therapy" (touching nothing which could be potentially harmful) was the thing that always worked. Be patient, hope you will be over it in no time!

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i have allergies to all kind of things, thank god i havent met a yarn im allergic to yet except scratchy wool (woe is me i have to tell the hubby i have to have the nice wool yarn) i also suggest taking a benadryl pill before you start crocheting but if you do that every day you could build up an immunity. there is another drug called loratidine which is made to treat hives, it doesnt help much with the allergy it just relieves the hives symptoms maybe that would be better to try it is made my claritin and it is called "hives relief" good luck. and look on the bright side maybe now you will just have to stick to nice stuff if its the yarn

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These are all great suggestions. I get eczema on my hands and so I just keep moisturizing them and the "zero-therapy" really is the best thing you can do.


Wait until it is better then try again. If you get hives again then it is the yarn and you will know for sure.


The gloves are a fantastic idea!!! I'll be doing that when I get eczema and the skin is peeling off my hands onto my work(I don't crochet with eczema anymore after that happened).

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Once again thanks for all of your suggestions.:hug


As of today (12/17) I will not croctet for a week.:eek:( :( No touching any yarn. I don't know what I'm going to do, since I'm on vacation for a week and two days. It's going to hurt. But I'm looking on the bright side, I hope the hives will clear up.


I will keep you all posted. Thanks for the love.:manyheart



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I don't know if it will help, but it could just be that type of yarn. I can't use anything yellow from Bath and Body Works. It makes no sense to me, but I start breaking out in hives with their yellow stuff. Any other color, and I'm fine.


Maybe try a different brand of yarn and see what happens.

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I don't know if it will help, but it could just be that type of yarn. I can't use anything yellow from Bath and Body Works. It makes no sense to me, but I start breaking out in hives with their yellow stuff. Any other color, and I'm fine.


Maybe try a different brand of yarn and see what happens.


I did and I'm still breaking out. It's been over three weeks now. So I decided not to touch any yarn. Plus I had the yarns that I was using on top of other yarns.


I really upset. I have to finish two scarves for a co-worker by Dec. 16th.

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I don't know if it will help, but it could just be that type of yarn. I can't use anything yellow from Bath and Body Works. It makes no sense to me, but I start breaking out in hives with their yellow stuff. Any other color, and I'm fine.


Maybe try a different brand of yarn and see what happens.


I know this is OT but I had the same experience with the Bath and Body works but the other way round. I used their yellow (lemon) with no problem and so I couldn't wait to try the apple. It was a gift from ds.


A year later and I am still dealing with the excema from about two uses of it . It seems that once i triggered it, it won't stop.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally found out what's wrong. I have bed bugs.:thair:thair


I went surfing on the web for pictures and how to treat the problem and what I saw, my apt. is not bad. But I'm still going to get a new mattress. I have to treat the old one before I throw it out becasue I can reinfect myself and others in my building.


I know how bed bugs are transport, so now I will be double double checking the hotel rooms.


I have to wash and dry clean all my clothes, and that I can get my apartment treated. Once I wash and dry clean I have to put everything into plastic bags and tie them up very tightly.


I stayed up to 4:00AM cleaning and checking. I decided to sleep on the couch.


But I'm glad I found out what was causing my problem.


So back to crocheting.:jumpyay :jumpyay

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Ooch! Sorry about the bed bugs. Not fun. But happy dance time- it wasn't the yarn! And what is better comfort for having bug problems and cleaning to do than unwinding with a skein or two?

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That is so scary! We don't like to think about those things but they do have a way of putting themselves forward. I'll def be praying for you to be successful in this war on those nasties.

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