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What I Learned this Week

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So I'm a fairly new crocheter, at least new in the sense that I'm starting to DO projects and not just buy things for projects so this week has been particularly exciting for me in what I've learned.


- I learned to make a hat, yes, the circularly challenged girl successfully has made a beautiful circular hat doing crochet in the round.


- I learned to make a spiral and used it to make a star similar to the ones below:




- I also learned to use stitch markers in making the above project.


All in all it was a fun week for me and I'm excited to keep moving forward and see what I can learn this week.


What did YOU learn this week?

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I learned I hate making two of something in a row no matter how much I love the pattern. But I have to do it anyway because If I make one thing for one of my kids I have to make another for the other one. LOL...I made on hat in an hour..and so far it has taken me one day to make the other one. LOL


PS. I love that star pillow!!!! That is really awsome.

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I haven't encountered the "making two" problem yet though I know I will soon because I'm working on a pair of slippers and a Christmas stocking for my Mom which is done in two pieces.


It would be nice if there were a way to do two things at once wouldn't it?

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When I'm "making two" (cuz I hate doing the 2nd one) I start one, when I get to an obvious break, I put in a stitch holder and start the 2nd and work till I get to the same spot, then I put in a stitch holder and work on the first one to another point, put in a stitch holder and pick up the 2nd, and so on and so on and so on until done. That way I don't "feel like I'm making two" I feel like I'm making one big "one" - hey, whatever works :hook

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I learned this trick from a book on making socks - I figured if it worked for socks, then sleeves, booties and other pairs could be done this way too! I hate finishing a sleeve, only to have to make another . . . . . . one sleeved sweaters don't look good on everyone - hee hee hee

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That's a great idea. I learned this week that I hate making two also because I am making myself a nighty that I have designed and it needs two cup pieces. I made one to get the pattern right and now I am making the other one. This isn't worrying me so much because it was kinda necessary to do them separately to work it out but when I am making toys I hate having to make 2 legs and 2 arms and 2 ears. It makes me not want to make it when I finish one and think great now I have to start another one before I can make anything else!!!


I love your idea of making them both at the same time and will definitely be trying it the next time a project pops up with two in it!!!:ty:cheer

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