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I started a new job today

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I really didn't want to go back to work, but we must eat, so today I started my new job. I'm a corporate paralegal for a real estate investment company.


Anyway, one of the reasons I hadn't wanted to go back to work is that I've had unlimited time in recent weeks to crochet, and I've started a ton of projects. Well, apparently this position is much more senior than any of my previous jobs, because....


I HAVE MY OWN OFFICE!!!!! :cheer:clap:cheer:clap





The significance of this is, of course, that I can use my lunch hour to crochet in my OFFICE anytime I want! Not that I wouldn't have done it in a cubicle, but now I don't have to worry about space issues, or random people coming to ask annoying questions about my work, etc.


Also, there's a ton of storage space (in my OFFICE) so I can probably use some of it to keep yarn... that's one more place where DH can't find it! :devil


Anyway, I just wanted to share it with you guys... this is my first ever very-own-office and I'm SO EXCITED!!!

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Congratulations! The only room in my cubicle for yarn would be the drawer in my filing cabinet that has the chocolate and snack cache for the entire office (no, my boss doesn't know that's what I keep in my drawer labeled Miscellaneous :lol). Besides, I'd never stop crocheting if I started here. I'd just keep saying to myself: "One more row, just one more row..." :P


Sounds like a great job and kudos to you!! Patty

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I miss having my own office but I now have a cube, though it's all windows on one side so I guess it isn't that bad.


I can crochet at work if I want, when I'm not typing, so I don't mind being in a cube - except when my cow-orkers decide to get a little rowdy.

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Congratulations!!! It is WAAAY cool having my own office :) and I also have a grand double window view, that even the CEO's adminasistant doesn't have. I am the envy of many people here, and they all come to my office to see what the weather is doing :) Enjoy!!! So many years I spent in a Dilbert cube. It was well worth the wait.

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