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rawr! *attacks yarn*

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I just went out and spent 43 and some change on yarns and needles and everything to restart my love since it's all in a different state due to moving around so much. :sigh And now, all I can do is start a project and then rip it out and then start another one and frog it. And then another... all with the same results. Why is it that starting these things frustrate me so much?! I found the perfect perfect yarn for the person I'm making it for and now... now that everything is going great, now I can't even do more than two rows without getting totally upset at it and starting over. :out See... I know what it is... I need someone to tell me it's fine and great while acutally knowing what they are talking about! I'm goign to have to hire someone just for that. :lol

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I'm sure you're doing just fine, it sounds like you are a perfectionist!;) It took me a whole semester in high school to sew 1 night gown! And when I WAS done I burnt it with the iron!!! :no

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the worst part is that I'm just this obsessive about the starting of it and until about a fourth of the way in. Then it's "Oh... hehe... I messed up! Oh well. You can't tell!" :D




edit: Guess what! I actually started on and am acutally working on it super well. It's the ubw hat from by the hook. I suppose since the hat is allowed to look not as polished thats what helped! Besides, it's cream and black and really pretty. Er... handsome since it's for a guy1 :lol



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It will be ok! We are always more critical over our own work than someone elso will be. Say a prayer then jump right in. What ever you make will be and is special. Enjoy it, and maby make something for yourself as a reward, you deserve it! Hope you do feel better about it.

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