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The Sak bag at Spiegel

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I found this bag on the Spiegel site and would love to attempt something like it but I'm trying to decide what stitch the body is done in. I think it is a Tunisian stitch and I know nothing about Tunisian crochet. Do any of you have an idea or a suggestion what stitch would give similar results?


Here is the link to the bag.


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Good news, it's not tunisian. It's the basketweave stitch done with fpdcs and bpdcs.

Thanks, I thought that too but they also look like they could be triples to me. I think the dcs would work well though. Now to decide what yarn to use.

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Let's see...

Row 1: Dc across

Row 2: (FPdc in 1st 4 dc, BPdc in next 4 dc) across.

Row 3: Rep Row 2, matching up post stitches from previous row.

Row 4: (BPdc in 1st 4 dc, FPdc in next 4 dc) across.

Row 5: Rep Row 4, matching up post stitches from previous row.


Rep Rows 2-5 until desired size.



It's not too hard...YOU CAN DO IT!! :cheer:cheer:cheer

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