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I was thinking this morning about retiring..lol

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I want MORE time to Crochet!! But my hubby said if I didn't work, we couldn't eat...:think ...well, it is neccesary to eat I suppose, and I couldn't get social security at 43 obviously :P ...the lottery isn't working out here..:blush

I work second shift in a VERY small alzheimers unit, and usually can get an hour of crocheting in when they are all in bed..BUT I want a week, that I wouldn't have to do nothing but sit and crochet....Well, today is friday for me, at leaste my days off are on Mon and Tues, so no one is home and then I can crochet...:hook

Now if I can just STOP looking at other patterns and FOCUS on what I have, I might get somewhere on my days off..:yes So thats my plan...

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hmm.....maybe somehow you can organize about an hour a day? i'M 49 and currently out of work. Company laid me off due to cutbacks because business was slow. Was there 20 years. The 2 other girls (were only 3 of us) one has been there about 6, the other 15. So Social Security is out for me too. Started to collect unemployment and then had surgery so - now I have to have another hearing to start collecting again. Not only are we short my regular pay that I was getting - I'm only getting about 1/2 of that a week. So - now I'm home with MORE time to crochet and a little less to buy yarn.

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For you guys, I going to be praying that a way will be found that you can earn money and get your crochet time in. Maybe they will be combined or some other thing will happen.


You two are too good not to be able to do this stuff.

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im not sure if i could retire i may get bored of crocheting this way i look on comming home and crocheting. i was a stay at home mom until my kids went to school and was nice to get togethor with adultsdont get me wrong love my kids to death and one better i love going to my daughters and making a mess and say sorry i didnt know.

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