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Yep. I'm sure I'm being more critical because this afghan isn't just my work - it represents other crafters work, too. The other ladies that sent squares are new to crochet and did such an amazing job. Their squares don't look like the work of a beginner, and I want the afghan to make them proud of what they've done!

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I am not good at deadlines, so usually when I give a handmade gift the person I am giving it to has no prior knowledge of me making the gift. It works beffter for me that way, then if I don't get it finished on time no pressure, other than what I put on myself to get it finished. I do much better that way, and I enjoy the finished product more even if I am giving it away. :lol

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I started out with a list of things I was going to make for christmas and started getting stressed becuase I haven't felt like crocheting al whole lot lately. Between work and my son I just get to tired at night to focus. I have a relaxing weekend off, but I kept getting a pain in my hand which made it hurt to crochet. So I just didn't do it. Im going for the buying christmas presents this year and if I get others made great. I just don't have the time and skills to plan it all out. Back to work

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It's done! I stayed up too late last night, but got it all finished. I do have to inspect it closely for ends that need to be woven in, but it's done!

This is the first time that I've joined a comfortghan, and it was a learning experience. The few times I joined squares in the past, they were all my own work in one type of yarn and patterns that were the same size. This one is far from perfect. I should have made sure the squares were exactly 8" but with so many yarns it would have been nearly impossible for me to increase some of them without it looking dumb.

There are some ripplies along the edges, but I'm hoping that all the love that this group put into it shows more than the construction issues. :)


I'll post a pic tonight! I'm so excited! And now I really feel like the stress is all gone and I can enjoy the rest of my projects! :)

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just beautiful, i know the family will appreciate all the hard work that was done and also u did a fantastic job putting it together and now got your moms tea cozy done too woooohooooo:yay :yay greatjob worm

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To the Worm.


You did a great job on the afghan and teapot cozy. Now, you can relax a little.


WE all stress ourselves out at some point, and with deadlines approaching, it can get crazy. But, take a deep breath, and actually enjoy your crocheting.


Last year, I made scarves for 10 teachers and 5 relatives. I tried matching coat colors to the scarves, personality, etc. and tried to make each scarf personalized for the receiver. Not only was I a wreck, but it was so much stress that I didn't enjoy actually making the scarves. Too much pressure.


I have since learned to pace myself, and if I have to purchase some gifts, it is ok.


Set priorities in advance and learn to say no. I get myself into binds because I don't say "No" enough.


I wish you well on getting the other projects done, but also remember to enjoy your wonderful talent while making these projects.


Best wishes to you.



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